Fire and Bone: An Experimental Study of Cremation
***Many bone fragments have been burned in controlled laboratory conditions but few have been burned on outdoor pyres. In order to study and understand cremated bone, it is crucial to conduct experiments in real environmental conditions. In this study several cremations were carried out outdoors...
Book Review: Die Knochen- und Geweihgeräte der Feddersen Wierde by Katrin Struckmeyer
How does one know, how to exhibit a skeleton (CH)?
The many - often very tiny - bones of a displayed skeleton can be very confusing. But nowadays people know a lot of the human skeleton and people know all the bones. With help of specially trained people, the anthropologists, skeletons are assembled correctly.
How heavy is a mammoth tusk? What is its value (CH)?
We have never weighed the tusk in the museum in Zug, but it is this heavy, it has to be carried by two people. The value cannot be expressed in money as it is of scientific nature...
What tools were used to work mammoth tusks, bones and so on? Did people use special tools for prehistoric art (CZ)?
We do not know about any special tools or more exactly we cannot recognize them. Prehistoric craftspeople and artists probably used tools common to their time; of course they could have had their own tools made especially for such use...
What was the state of hygiene and health care in a lake fortress (LV)?
The lake fortress had a privy and a bathhouse or sauna, located on the perimeter of the complex. Hair was combed with bone and antler combs, and with combs made of pig bristles. Clothes were washed by beating...
Was there a division of roles in the early Middle Ages (NL)?
There was a traditional division of roles. Women in general took care of the children. They herded and milked the cattle and sheep and fed the chickens. Shaving sheep, plucking wool,...