Newest Era

Conference Review: Fields of Dreams - the EAC10 Conference, Leiden 2017

Rena Maguire 1
Publication Date

The 10th Experimental Archaeology Conference of EXARC took place in Leiden, Netherlands, over three days; 20th to the 22nd April 2017, in Leiden University’s Archaeology department. The first two days hosted a diverse range of presentations from all over the globe, while the final day consisted of a visit to Vlaardingen prehistoric house-building project and Eindhoven Museum.

What to Blame for the Atmosphere Change in Re-enactment Camps? Personal View

Rona Kreekel 1
Publication Date
Lately, I have been seeing quite a few posts by friends announcing that they are quitting the Viking Re-enactment hobby. This is sad and worrisome. Apparently, the reasons for leaving are due to a lack of authenticity, show fight, and atmosphere.

Children's art night & exhibition


Welcome to Ekehagen on Art Night on Falbygden-Tidaholm! The cafeteria is open Friday-Sunday with coffee, homemade cake and food!

Eldfest (evening / night Saturday-Sunday): Welcome to a sparkling and flaming eldfest with spectacle, torchlight procession and fire show in the prehistoric village. More information on times and prices will come on the museum's website.

Harvest Feast

Organised by

Experience an old-fashioned harvest feast and help to preserve Vitlycke Meadow! We work together and show how a scythe should be used for best results.

A meadow can accommodate 40-50 species of flowers and grass per square meter. Today, only small bits of all the fields remain that once were important because they gave winter fodder for the animals.

Day of Archaeology

Organised by

What do archaeologists actually do? In four archaeological museums in the region you will get an answer. The Federseemuseum, the two Heuneburg museums in Herbertingen-Hundersingen and the Bachritterburg in Kanzach give an insight into their work on 15,000 years of history in Upper Swabia, from the excavation to the archaeological reconstruction.

Mayday Bank Holiday

United Kingdom

May Day has heralded the start of summer for many hundreds of years in Wales. It’s time for the Green Man to wake up from his winter sleep as the buds burst and life returns to the woods and fields. The day is marked with merriment, music and what must surely be the most famous of all the folk dances, the raising of the maypole.