Roman Era

Workshop Tablet Weaving

Organised by

Tablet weaving is an ancient weaving technique, in which the rotation of tablets, applied in the warp, creating the shed where the weft passes, produce the weave. Historically, it was applied to produce accessories for garment, like belts, or as decoration in garments itself. In this workshop you will be able to produce your own tablets and create patterns.

Geschichte(n) erleben auf der Zeiteninsel


The time has come again for us to offer activities and presentations from the Middle Stone Age to the 1st post-Christian Century: make glass beads yourself, look over the blacksmith's shoulder or with the wool dyer in their cauldron with plant brews. Be there when iron is formed, you will learn everything about food preparation from hunting to the preparation of dishes.

Art of Sound and Art of Fighting - Music And Gladiators


Finds of Roman organs are extremely rare. It is all the more astonishing that only recently metal finds from the fort Zugmantel in the Taunus were identified as parts of such an instrument. One can vividly imagine how the gladiators, accompanied by the sonorous sounds, moved into the small amphitheater near the castle to offer the spectators a violent spectacle.

UNESCO World Heritage Day - The Saalburg in 1910


After its reconstruction at the beginning of the 20th century, the Saalburg became an important archeological museum. The UNESCO World Heritage Day focuses on the early days of the Saalburg Museum. The visitors can meet people from this era and representatives of society, culture and the military.

Culinaria - Ancient Food Culture


Roman Castle Saalburg organizes with the I. Römer Cohort Opladen this Pentecost Event. Of course, the fires in the fort are in operation, the ovens smoke and it simmering and sizzling in the pots and pans. How to prepare pastes with the Roman mortar, make bread in a clay dome oven or prepare the various dishes over an open fire will be shown this weekend.


The Units of the Roman Army


Auxiliaries were stationed in the border fortifications at the Limes, who were Roman professional soldiers, but who differed from other units in their tasks and equipment. For example, there were legionnaires in Mainz, artillery in Hofheim and cavalry in Echzell. Of course it is not possible to present the entire range of the Roman army in one event.

Craft Festival


Historic crafts from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages are brought to life by specialists in the beautiful setting of the Open Air Museum Düppel in Berlin. Be it flint knapping techniques of the early hunter gatherers or traditional methods of tanning hides – there should be something for everyone. Activities for children invite to explore and all questions are welcome!