Roman Era

My Roman Board Games


Learn how to build and play roman ancient games, as Duodecim Scripta, Ludus Latrunculorum and Merellus. Use some cereal cards, wood boards, scissors, crayons and your imagination! At the end you will learn how to play them and, if you try it hard, you'll be able to participate at our Roman Games Tourney!


Summer Antique Festival

Organised by
Association for Antique Reconstructions "Mos Maiorum Ulpiae Serdicae (BG)
Veliko Tarnovo Municipality (BG)

The fourth antique festival “Nike – the game and the victory” will take place in the archaeological reserve Nicopolis ad Istrum near Veliko Tarnovo. The one of a kind historical festival dedicated to the early and late Antiquity, which takes place on the territory of Veliko Tarnovo Municipality, will be on July 13, Saturday at 10.00h. 

Serdica is my Rome

Organised by
Association for Antique reconstruction "Mos Maiorum Ulpiae Serdicae" (BG)
Municipality of Sofia (BG)
Regional History Museum of Sofia (BG)

We have the honour to invite you to the first Festival of Antique Heritage “Serdica is my Rome” which will be held in Bulgaria’s capital city – Sofia. We want to promote the Antique legacy of our capital and to draw attention towards the restoration of historical sites: “The West Gate of Serdica” and “Antique cultural and communication complex “Serdica”.

RAUZWI - Lebendige Archäologie Mittelweser e.V. (DE)

It was an extraordinary stroke of luck when in 1953 an extensive burial ground was discovered on the Heidberg, a sand dune in the border area between Liebenau and Steyerberg, Germany. Here, the population of the surrounding settlements buried their relatives in the period from the 4th to the 9th century AD.

For more than thirty years, albeit intermittently, excavations have taken place there. More than 500 body and fire graves were uncovered and documented. It was only thanks to this meticulous archaeological research that it was possible to learn about the life of the inhabitants at that time. Written records from this region are not known for that period.

ICA 2: Contributions of Experimental Archaeology to Excavation and Material Studies

Organised by
Museum of Art and History, Brussels – section of Egyptian Antiquities (BE)
Laboratoire Archéomatériaux et Prévision de l'Altération (FR)
Sorbonne Université Lettres - CNRS Orient & Méditerranée (FR)
Université MSH Paris-Saclay (FR)
KU Leuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (BE)
Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (DE)
Mines d’argent des Rois Francs de Melle (FR)

The first conference (ICA I) resulted in the foundations for a methodology, allowing experimental archeology to be a scientific research tool in its own right. Following these reflections, we hope that the participants, in their presentations and experiments, will also define and highlight the methodology they practice.


Organised by
University of Oulu (FI)
Aalto University (FI)
University of Helsinki (FI)

Due to the uncertain circumstances and evolving travel and gathering restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the conference will be held only online.

​Conference fee ​

  • 30 € for employed registrants

  • 15 € for students and those working on scholarships

​Attendance awards

At the Roman Camp – Vindonissa on the Eve of the Fight

Organised by

More than 100 roman legionnaires, hostile warriors, tradesmen and craftsmen give insight into their private chambers and their most secret spots. Visit them in their tents, go see the camps oft he enemies, discover the big market and be stunned by the art oft he craftsmen.