Roman Era

University of Manchester (UK)

Member of EXARC

The Experimental Archaeology Group was established in 2017 to create the opportunity for both staff and students to get hands-on experience of making, using and researching the artefacts and material culture that they learn and teach about within degree units.

Since forming, the group has explored prehistoric and historical ethnographic knapping techniques, prehistoric bone and antler working, organic cordage from a range of plant fibre sources and willow work, including basketry and fish traps.
These sessions provide us as archaeologists with a new understanding of certain aspects of material culture, including time, skill, knowledge, effort and sensorial experience, all of which expand our understanding of the past.

Newcastle University (UK)

Member of EXARC

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is home to several archaeologists conducting experimental archaeology. 

Dr Chloe Duckworth has experience with among others Roman and medieval glass. She teaches for example the module “you are what you make”. This module explores - and helps you to learn - the skills and techniques humans have used for millennia to control, manipulate, and construct the world around us. 

XXVII Archaeological Festival at Biskupin - Mother Nature


The XXVII Archaeological Festival will be devoted to Mother Nature in various guises. During the Festival, you will be able to find out how in the past people perceived and worshipped Mother Nature, as well as how they used her benefits. But that is not everything! Scientists from various fi

Mos Maiorvm (IT)

MOS MAIORVM is a cultural non-profit association of persons, based in Rome Italy, whose interest it is to study history, perform historical reconstructions and do re-enactment of the Roman period from the IV to the I century BC. We apply our studies to all the aspects of the Roman civilization – military, civil and religious - but also with a keen interest in other Italic archaic peoples.

MOS MAIORVM is a cultural non-profit making organization - based in Rome – with an interest in the study, re-enactment and historical reconstruction of the ancient Roman period from IV to I century BC, with reference to all the aspects of the Roman civilization - military, civil and religious - but also with a keen interest in the other Italic archaic peoples...

Craft week

Organised by

A warm welcome to the crafts week! During this week, Vitlycke Museum's Bronze Age farm becomes a handicraft farm, an open space for all our visitors to roam around in and learn, ask questions or just feel the atmosphere. It will be cast, woven, sewn and burned.