REARC Conference
This year the REARC meetings are scheduled for October 25th and 26th in historic Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are excited to announce that the Department of Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington will host Friday presentations. And on Saturday, REARC craftspeople will hold a variety of demonstrations/workshops at George Washington’s Ferry Farm. Conference participants will have the opportunity to take part in these activities while touring this important historic site and the archaeological laboratory dedicated to furthering our understanding of the Washington family.
Call for Papers
We encourage presenters whose research involves experimental archaeology, traditional technologies, open-air museums, living history museums, or experiential pedagogies to submit an abstract for consideration.
Also, please let us know if you’d be interested in demonstrating/working with students on Saturday.
REARC prides itself on providing academics, students, tradespeople, and professionals an open and constructive context for delivering their research, experience and expertise to their peers. We hope you’ll consider participating and I look forward to seeing you in Virginia this fall!
Submission deadline:
150-word abstract submissions are due by September 20th.
More information at the official conference website: