Calendar of Events

EAD24 at Latvijas Arheoklubs

Kind of Event
Guided Tour

A discussion with demonstrations and guided tours and workshops afterwards

A lecture about protection of cultural heritage, ancient archery, video tour around the archaeological garden bronze casting, dyeing fabric with natural pigments and nalbinding workshops.

12:00 Talk on the profession of an archaeologist and the situation of protection of cultural and historical monuments in Latvia - historians of the Latvian Archeological Club Atis Artmanis (inspector of the National Cultural Heritage Administration), Aivars Siliņš (Daugava Museum), Artūrs Tomsons (archaeologist) will participate.

13:00 Story about European archaeological parks, EXARC organization, development vision of the Latvian Archaeological Club in Lucavsala, video tour of the garden (director: A. Thomsons)

13:30 Archaic archery stand (director A. Artmanis).

14:00 Introducing visitors to the club garden and ancient plants; yarn dyeing experiment with the colored plant - color tongue (Isatis tinctoria L) grown in the Archeoklub garden. (director: artist Līva Kaprāle).

16:30 Bronze smelting experiment (director: A. Thomsons; needle weaving - director: folklorist L. Kņaze