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Experimenting with Protohistory: Interdisciplinary Dialogues


Kind of Event

  • Conference
Organised by
Association pour l’expérimentation et la recherche archéologique (APERA)
Collège des Ecoles Doctorales et de l’ED 112 de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


  • France

Call for Papers and Articles

The association APERA in partnership with the College of Doctoral Schools and ED 112, and with the support of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is pleased to inform you of the holding of its 3rd Thematic Day, initially scheduled for 24 April 2020 but postponed (for sanitary reason) to 26th November 2020, at the INHA in Paris.

The theme remains "Experimenting with Protohistory (Neolithic - Metal Ages): interdisciplinary dialogues".

Attached are:

  • the updated call for papers with the new deadlines for abstracts.
  • for those interested, the opportunity is offered to publish an article in our new journal "Le Bulletin de l’APERA
Call for Papers (1.52 MB)