Iron Smelting Weekend in Holland
- the Netherlands
Looking for teams!
In the weekend of seven and eight July, Huis van Hilde and the Hoogoven Museum organize a public event close to Amsterdam (NL). In the context of 100 years of Tata Steel, iron furnaces will be made and used.
On Saturday, the teams will mainly focus on building the ovens. The ovens will be fired on Sunday. At the end of the afternoon, the ovens are broken open under the watchful eye of the deputy of the province of Noord-Holland to see the result - iron.
The organization provides all the materials needed for building the ovens and extracting iron.
The following will be presented
On Friday 6 July, an experienced team (led by Janneke Zuyderwyk) will start building an furnace, so that the public can follow all aspects of iron making and winning iron on 7 and 8 July. The teams can continue working on their ovens. Presumably there will also be press (filming).
We are looking for teams of five tos ix persons (with some experience) to build a furnace and run it in these two days. We will provide with loam, sand, iron ore, charcoal, wood, food and drinks and if needed a place at the nearby camping. You should bring a party tent against too much sun or rain, bellows or a fitting vent and tube, electricity cables.