Calendar of Events

Prehistory in the Present

Kind of Event
Virtual Event
Organised by
The Prehistoric Society
United Kingdom

Prehistory in the Present is the second in this series of Day Schools on Prehistory: past, present and future. The day school will be online and in person.

Last year the Day School looked to the past, this year we focus on what is happening in the present in the discipline. Speakers will be exploring how different audiences are being engaged with evidence from prehistoric periods in Britain and Ireland, how the subject is researched, how the discipline is developing, and how connections are being made between the past and the present. The Day School will feature presenters working in development-led archaeology, universities, museums and research centres. The talks look at experimental archaeology, well-being, archaeological science, monuments, landscape, artefact studies, and environmental remains. Speakers will be presenting in-person. 

Book now
[PLEASE NOTE: Whether you book an in person, or online, ticket, you will be sent an online link. Please give your name on the door if you are attending in person.]

Speakers and the schedule for the day can be found in the link below:
Day school speakers and schedule (228.63 KB)

Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BE