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Workshop “hands on the wall - or let´s carve it!”



  • Germany

As we know, the people of the Late Stone Age were able to produce impressive paintings. Colourful depictions of bison, wild horse or Capricorn decorate parts of numerous European caves. Red hands tell us unmistakably: I was here!
But also from Bronze Age beautiful images have survived the course of time. The famous rock carvings from Scandinavia – mostly from Sweden – show armoured men, coifed women and very loooong boats.
In this workshop the participants get the chance to produce paintings inspired by prehistory with mineral paint, charcoal, rock carving stencils and sand.
We also learn, how to use haematite in order to fabricate colours.
Entrance fee 5 € / reduced 3,50 € / families 10 € / Children under 10 free. 
Registration required
Suitable for children aged 5+ years
Extensive information about the program for the European Archaeology Days on the event website.