Digest 2013

© EXARC, 2013 | ISSN: 2212-523X | Size: A4, 36 pages, full colour, circulation of 500
The hard copy EXARC JOURNAL Digest, offers the "best of" all our articles from 2012 and 2013. In Gene Fornby, the Ancient Village of Gene, Carl L. Thunberg describes the excavation, construction and use of this Swedish reconstruction. Frank Kock continues by discussing how to use a reconstructed area as playground - but with serious reasons. A well-wrought article on high carbon steel is presented by Adrian Wrona from Poland while in the mean time they were testing living in the cold in a Viking Age reconstructed house in Estonia (Kristiina Paavel). Janet Stephens from the USA presents how to recreate Roman Era hairstyles. Thit Birk Petersen has some serious thoughts on living history.
Under Mixed Maters, we present several book and conference reviews, a boat tour on the River Trent (UK) and an interview with professor Leineweber from Germany.
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