Iron Age

ASOR session on Experimental Archaeology

Organised by

Anyone interested in coming to San Diego, CA in November to talk about their work? There will be an Experimental and Experiential Archaeology session at this year's ASOR Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Nov. 20-23, 2019. ASOR is about the Near East and wider Mediterranean world, from the earliest times

Moscow Ethnographic Society (RU)

MES -  Московское этнографическое общество (under supervision of its founder Yury Gabrov) researches in ethnology and anthropology, gives lectures in various related fields. We organize public or private events, such as living history, demonstrating and teaching traditional knowledge and techniques (in cooking, arts, crafts, music, weaponry and economy) from the Stone Age onwards. We unite people who do the same, share our experience in conferences, publications and social media. Usually festivals is our thing.

Our projects include:

Celtic Village Ichenhausen (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Celtic Path takes you back to the millennium before the Romans arrived. On information boards along the way you will learn something about a people that has left no written records. You will pass original grave mounds, a so called Viereckschanze and a reconstructed Celtic homestead, Keltengehöft Ichenhausen.

Located on the corridor between the municipalities Ichenhausen and Kammeltal a Celtic Village provides insights into the lives of the people 2500 years ago, and so to speak, at the original location, because the farm, built by the friends of culture and recreation, is surrounded by a wealth of archaeological monuments, from Celtic times.

Archeofest 2019 Metallurgica


Archeofest®, the festival of experimental Archaeology conceived and organized by the Cultural Association Paleoes - eXperimentalTech ArcheoDrome, reaches this year its sixth edition in collaboration with Museo delle Civiltà, Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia and the Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia.

Butser Ancient Farm: An Internship Full of Senses

Àngels Fernández Canals 1
Publication Date
‘What is experimental archaeology?’ people asked me. ‘But if you work within an experimental place, you won’t be able to put into practise the tools learned in your Masters about cultural heritage and museology’ said some of my classmates. However, for me it was really important to do my internship in a place where the archaeology was paramount; at the same time, I was interested in...

Yoshinogari Historical Park (JP)

Member of EXARC

At the Yoshinogari Historical Park, visitors experience life in the ancient Yayoi period of Japan's history. Yayoi life and culture come alive through the carefully reconstructed village and unique exhibitions found here. 

The Yoshinogari hills were originally slated for one of Saga Prefecture's industrial areas, but the project was suspended upon discovery of ruins and relics, until further research into the area could be carried out. In 1986, the site was meticulously studied to understand whether it was a truly important cultural site. The concluding result was that this area was one of Japan's largest moat encircled villages dating from the Yayoi period (3c. B.C. - 3c. A.D.).

Rõuge Ancient Farm Project (EE)

Member of EXARC

The Rõuge ancient farm project (Rõuge Muinastalu) was initiated in 2010 by Viire Kobrusepp and managed by her until 2016. In her Master’s thesis, Viire concentrated her research on an archaeological Iron Age building experiment that saw the construction of a Viking era dwelling house using ancient building techniques.

This was followed by a living experiment. Other buildings followed the construction of the dwelling: a granary, a smithy, a summer kitchen and a barn. When building the reconstructions, archaeological examples were used for the building layouts and ethnographical sources for the different roof designs. The hillfort and settlement site of Rõuge, located only 100 m away from the site, serves as a major source of information as it has been thoroughly excavated.

Posyolok Predkov (RU)

Member of EXARC

The complex of historical reconstructions “Ancestors Village” (Посёлок предков) in the Khakassky State Nature Reserve is unique for Khakassia in its concept and forms of work with visitors. On its territory, right under the open sky, the dwellings of the ancient peoples who once inhabited the territory of modern Khakassia are located.

The copies of dwellings recreated with scientific accuracy belong to different archaeological cultures (Okunevskoj, taštykskoj, tagarskoj, kyrgyz) and, thanks to the realism of their exterior and interior, they literally reflect the traces of ancient civilizations.

Kroma Kolna Bruoliste (LV)

Member of EXARC

Kroma Kolna is an association of historical activists and reconstructors working with the popularization and imitation of the events and the cultural environment of Latgale’s ancient history, mainly the 9th-13th century AD, before the arrival of Christianity. Latgale is the easternmost region of Latvia, north of the Daugava River. Kroma Kolns’ members study Latgale's ancient history and culture, organise living history events and demonstrations. They also produce jewellery and gadgets, fighting equipment and tools for everyday life of the Latgalians of that time. There are about 30 members from different regions of Latgale operating in the batch of Kroma Kolna.

Under the leadership of Aleksandra Lubāna, the Kroma Kolna bruoliste has begun work on the reconstruction of the Latgalian tribal wooden castle in Puši Zundas on the Prince Mountain in the Dagda district. It is the place where bruolsters meet at least once a month to share current information, both in terms of historical research and the activities that are being implemented and planned.

4th Experimental Archaeology Workshop

Organised by
City Council Taramundi (ES)

Friday 7 December
Throughout the day, preparation of the oven, roasting the iron ore  
(Taramundi Square)

Saturday 8 December
08:00h: Firing the furnace
12:00h: Presentation of the book "La Edad del Hierro" by José M. Salgado (Conference Hall of Taramundi)
13:00h: Guided visit to the reduction furnace by Jodok Lackinger