Viking Age

Open Day

United Kingdom

Wednesday 16th August 2023
This Open Day will be led by our volunteers and give a chance to see how they have helped to develop our site. There will be heritage skills demonstrations and have a go, site tours, tea and coffee in the longhouse and a storyteller in the Earthouse.

Eat like a Viking

United Kingdom

Eat like a Viking! Deer Butchery & Cooking Course (18+ only)
Craig Brooks, author of Eat like a Viking! 1 & 2 will be hosting this event at the Ancient Technology Centre.

Come hang out in the longhouse, where you'll get hands on with skinning and butchering a deer and then create some tasty food, using replica Viking and Saxon cookware and knives.

17th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology

Organised by

The Programme Committee of the International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology welcomes submissions of papers and posters for the ISBSA 17, organized as a collaborative effort of the University L’Orientale of Naples, ISMEO-The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies and the National Superintendency for the Underwater Cultural Heritage.

Scandinavian Arrowheads of the Viking Age, Their Manufacture and Distribution

Hector Cole 1
Publication Date
In recent years there has been a renewed interest in the arrowheads used in the Viking Age and their distribution. The 187 excavation of Viking graves in the Black Earth of Birka region of Sweden, re-examined in 2019 by Price (Price, et al., 2019) and the finding of arrows and arrowheads where glaciers have melted in Norway, prompted my research into the forging techniques of specific arrowheads from these...

Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2024

Organised by
Historical Metallurgy Group at Jernkontoret

The International Conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe has been organized every four years since 2003, in Milan (2003), Grado-Aquileia (2007), Bochum (2011), Madrid (2015) and Miskolc (2019). These conferences represent the most important forum for scientific discussion on early metalworking in Europe and other related regions of the Old World.

Dyes in History and Archaeology

Organised by
University of Copenhagen
National Museum of Denmark
Centre for Textile Research (CTR)
Danish School of Conservation

Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA) is an annual international conference that focuses on the academic discussion of dyes and organic pigments used in the past.