Viking Age

International Reenactment Market IRM


The International Reenactment Market IRM is the first international fair for living history, re-enactment, and experimental archaeology of all periods in Germany, and was launched in 2011 in the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg. The new location for 2022 is the Römerwelt museum at Rheinbrohl, located between Bonn and Koblenz.

Drum Making Workshop

United Kingdom

Discover the sound of our ancestors and craft one of humanity’s oldest instruments. Guided by craftsman, musician, and living history practitioner Lewis Beck, learn to use steam-bent birch wood and ethically-sourced goat hide to create a 16-inch frame drum and beater using ancient techniques. Running each day this weekend.

A Sustainable Revolution for Open-Air Museums @ ICOM

Organised by
Czech Republic

EXARC invites you to a session during the ICOM General Conference in Prague. We are in a unique position where our teaching of the past offers our visitors lessons for the future; we are more relevant than ever. How to develop the strength of open-air museums by building partnerships with other organisations?

New Trends in Experimental Archeology

Organised by
SAXO Archeology

On Monday, March 7, 2022, SAXO Archeology will hold a one-day webinar similar to the well-attended seminar "New research in old iron" last year. The aim of the seminar is to examine new trends in Danish and Scandinavian experimental archeology - through concrete examples but also through untested theories and methods.

Norwegian Forum for Experimental Archeology

Organised by
Norwegian Forum for Experimental Archeology
Vest-Agder museums
Midgard Viking Centre / The Vestfold museums

The Norwegian forum for experimental archeology will be held at Tingvatn and organized by the Vest-Agder museums.
Midgard Viking Centre / The Vestfold museums are co-hosting the forum.

More info to follow.