Seminar on Taphonomy
- Belgium
Taphonomy of use-wear traces and residues on stone tools: issues and perspectives
Taphonomy and stone tool residues: understanding processes of deposition, removal and decay (in English), by By Dries Cnuts, TraceoLab / Prehistory Liège Université
Alteration and function: towards a global understanding of the effect of taphonomic processes and its integration into the functional analysis of stone tools (in French), by Marine Michel, TraceoLab / Prehistory Liège Université
11:00h Coffee Break
Taphonomy of Human Remains: Analysis of the Dead and the Depositional Environment in Archaeo-Anthropology and Forensics, (in English), by Eline Schotsmans, PACEA - Université de Bordeaux 1 & University of Wollongong
12:30h Lunch Break
The evolutionary chain, a method and a database for the characterization of the origin of flints and silcretes (in French), by Paul Fernandes, Paléotime, PACEA - Université de Bordeaux 1 / CNRS
Les phases de silice dans les silex et leur solubilité / Silica phases in chert and solubility, by Patrick Schmidt, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen
Integration of taphonomic approaches in tracing: between flint and quartz (in French), by Aline Galland, Université de Bordeaux, UMR 5199 PACEA
Université de Liège, Place du XX aout, Bâtiment A4, musée de Préhistoire