An Experimental Approach to Tannur Ovens and Bread Making in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the Iron Age
Pit Preserve from Ida – on the Problem of Charred Seeds from Prehistoric Pits
A wild seed propagator and gardener (such as myself) relies on years of close human-plant interaction. The adaptability of domesticated and many wild plants to human economy and behaviour has always thrilled me. When I first read archaeological reports of frequent and large amounts of prehistoric charred seeds that were dumped in the ground I was bemused. It contrasted starkly with the care and sensitivity I use in the processes of seed harvest, drying and selection. So I started reading more and also charring seeds myself.
An Analysis of Contemporary Sources to Uncover the Medieval Identity of the Drink Bochet
The Vertical Olive Crushing Mill as a Machine and its Energy Balance - A Preliminary Approach
The vertical monolithic olive mill of the type of mola olearia which, like the Roman trapetum, first appeared during the Hellenistic era and spread all over the Graeco-Roman Mediterranean, surviving until the 20th century 1 .
Bottle Gourd as an Implement for the Poor in Roman Italy
Diet of the Poor in Roman Italy: An Exploration of Wild and Cultivated Plants as an Essential Dietary Component
Columella’s Wine: a Roman Enology Experiment
Anus iacere vidit epotam amphoram, Adhuc Falerna faece ex testa nobili Odorem quae iucundum late spargeret. Huncpostquamtotisavidatraxitnaribus: «O suavis anima. quale te dicambonum Antehacfuisse, tales cum sintreliquiae?» Hoc quo pertineat, dicet qui me noverit.