heritage management
Discussion: Heritage in Times of War - part 2
Discussion: Heritage in Times of War - part 1
Facilitated Dialogue: An Emerging Field of Museum Practice
The Effect of Climate Change in Experimental Archaeology
Museums as Good Places
It was a bold and challenging brief. The trustees decided to commission two alternative reports. They invited Patrick Geddes, the pioneering biologist, sociologist, environmentalist, social reformer and city planner, to produce one of these, and T. H. Mawson the other. For Geddes, this was an opportunity to bring together his life's work across many disciplines in one visionary scheme. He spent months, with the assistance of a photographer, recording almost every square yard of the city, before submitting his plan.
A Field Trip to the Ukraine, April 2010
Conference Review: Danube Limes, Lussonium, a Prospective Archaeological Park in Paks, 2011 (HU)
The Roman Limes was a system of borders around the Roman Empire. In several countries, these Roman sites are given much attention, take for example the UK (Hadrian’s Wall) and Germany...