Conference Review: The 2nd Annual Seminar of Experimental Archaeology in Norway
Twenty-seven participants gathered at Hringariki museum at Hønefoss in Eastern Norway during a two-day conference from September 1st thru 2nd, 2012...
Twenty-seven participants gathered at Hringariki museum at Hønefoss in Eastern Norway during a two-day conference from September 1st thru 2nd, 2012...
Both in Europe and in the US there is a multitude of archaeological sites which are shown to the general public either partially or completely rebuilt. This pattern, which is standard practice in many countries, is sternly contested and rejected in others, giving rise to a 200 year old international debate...
If you live in the Netherlands and work with archaeological open-air museums, archaeological experimentation or education, there is a good chance you are a member of VAEE, the Dutch Association for Experimental Archaeology & Education...
In early October 2012, EXAR held its yearly conference in Brugg, Switzerland. EXAR is the European Association for experimental archaeology and has over 150 members. Their highlight is their annual conference and the proceedings, which usually appear 12 months later, which is very fast...
Stichting Erfgoedpark Batavialand
att. EXARC
Postbus 119
8200 AC Lelystad
the Netherlands
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