Conference Review: EXAR Tagung 2012, Brugg (CH)
In early October 2012, EXAR held its yearly conference in Brugg, Switzerland. EXAR is the European Association for experimental archaeology and has over 150 members. Their highlight is their annual conference and the proceedings, which usually appear 12 months later, which is very fast...
Interview: Dr Errett Callahan
Event Review: the Stone Age in a Space Cruiser
IRM - International Reenactment Market
- Germany
The international reenactment fair IRM is the first cross-epoch trade fair for living history, reenactment, archaeotechnology and experimental archeology in Germany.
Public Outreach in the Drents Museum in Assen (NL)
Archaeological Open-Air Museums in the Netherlands, a Bit of History
Conference Review: III Congrès Internacional d’Arqueologia Experimental
12th International Symposium on Knappable Materials
- Hungary
Knappable materials include any which can be worked by the technique of knapping: flint, chert, obsidian and other rocks, even artifical materials like glass. The special theme selected for ISKM 12 is Bedrock and Alluvial: Primary and Secondary Raw Material Sources....
Conference Review: International Workshop, An Integration of Use-Wear and Residue Analysis for the Identification of the Function of Archaeological Stone Tools
The international workshop, titled An integration of use-wear and residues analysis for the identification of the function of archaeological stone tools, took place in Rome between 5-7 March, 2012 at the Sapienza University and at the National Council of Research (CNR)..
Book Review: Experimental Archaeology Presented in the AiD Magazine
The top popular magazine in Germany on archaeology is called Archäologie in Deutschland, simply referred to as ‘AiD’. It has been published every two months since 1984 and is 84 pages in length. The publisher is Theiss from Stuttgart. They publish on archaeology, history and ethnography and carry about 650 titles...