Blackbird Tales Costume Workshops
- Portugal
Prehistoric Clothing
In such a long age, in a very different world in these millennia, what do we know about what we were wearing then?
Textile Weekend
- the Netherlands
This weekend Archeon is all about textiles, leather and clothing. There are various special demonstrations and activities.
In prehistoric times we weave with vegetable fibers, such as nettle, flax and tree bark. In addition, wool is dyed and we spin and weave with wool. You can also learn how to sprang this weekend. This is the oldest known way of braiding.
Traditional Bow Making
- Germany
Working with a bow and arrow has archaeological, historical, technical, sporting and craft aspects. During the weekend, the basics of bow making and archery with traditional equipment will be taught. Ready-to-use bows and arrows are manufactured under expert guidance based on archeological or ethnological models.
Experimental Archaeology Workshops in Lisbon
- Portugal
The Archaeological Museum of Carmo, together with Prehistoric Skills Events, invites all those interested to travel to Prehistory, more specifically to Chalcolithic (5000 years ago), recreating and reproducing the main everyday artefacts and activities of the communities that once lived.
- Belgium
TraceoLab is excited to announce that the 7th CONEXP is coming to Liège from October 22-25, 2025! This congress is dedicated to all aspects of experimental archaeology, encompassing all periods, materials, and research questions. Save the date, and more information will follow soon!
Flint knapping workshop
- United Kingdom
Discover how our ancestors made tools out of stones in the ground with flint knapper and author Bob Turner. Learn to understand flint as a material and how to knap and work it to make ancient tools. Discover the talents and skills of ancient Britons and go home with a flint tool you have made yourself!
Ancient Living
- United Kingdom
Join prehistoric technology tutor Mark Havey to experience prehistoric life for a day and a night in the unique environment of Butser Ancient Farm.
The Arrowheads of the Squared-Mouthed-Pottery Culture: Reconstruction and Shooting Experiment
***This international experimental project focused on the production of replicas of different models of flat-retouched flint arrowheads (stemmed, with flat base, and ogives -with rounded base-) in use within the Neolithic Squared-Mouthed-Pottery Culture (SMP) of Northern Italy. The aim was to test their efficiency in order to understand if...
Conference: Trial by Fire 2020
- United Kingdom
An interdisciplinary conference on the transformative power of fire.
Fire always leaves its mark and a wealth of information behind. Our aim is to bring together research on experimental archaeology, archaeomaterials, archaeobotany, anthracology, pyrotechnology, taphonomic investigations including burned bone, combustion features, or accidental burning.
The Contribution of Experimental Archaeology in Addressing the Analysis of Residues on Spindle-Whorls
***This contribution focuses on residues developing on spindle-whorls during spinning. Such a kind of tools is largely diffused in archaeological contexts where spindle-whorls were used in textile activities or deposited in burials as grave goods. Scholars recently approached the analysis of these objects through experimental archaeology to better understand their wide variation in size and shape especially in relationship with the adoption of...