Prehistoric Cooking and Frying Course
- Austria
Prehistoric Cooking and Frying
Course objective: With the resources from the people of the past a dish from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age is cooked and tasted.
The Experimental Reconstruction of an Early Neolithic Underground Oven of Portonovo (Italy)
***This contribution presents the experimental reconstruction of an underground oven replicated according to the archaeological evidence unearthed from the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo-Fosso Fontanaccia (Ancona-Italy). A domed structure, measuring 190x180 cm diameter at the base and 50 cm in height, was dug in 15 hours...
Making a Rawhide Bag
- Austria
Course objective: Each participant goes home with a rawhide bag.
Course content: scraping the skin when wet, shaping a container, cutting rawhide strings, attaching a handle, drying the container.
Making Fire in Old Times Course
- Austria
Making Fire like in Old Times
Course objective: Each participant creates his own functional fire set.
Forging a Lance or Spear Tip, creating Glass Beads or Handmade Paper
- Austria
Forging a Lance or Spear Tip
Course objective: forging an iron lance or spearhead.
Course content: After an introduction to forging technology and the history of thrust and throwing weapons, each participant forges his own lance or spearhead historical model.
Carving Bone and Antler Course
- Austria
Bone and Antler Carving
Course objective: Each participant acquires knowledge and practical skills in bone and antler carving and, under professional guidance, produces an object of choice according to archaeological models using the technical possibilities of the past.
Build a Mobile Clay Oven
- Austria
Course objective: Construction of a portable oven based on historical models.
Flint Knapping old
- Austria
Course objective: production of various Danubian arrowhead types from the period from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age.
Bow and Spear Thrower Building Course
- Switzerland
Under the guidance of the experienced archaeologist Jürgen Junkmanns, the participants build a traditional wooden bow or a spear thrower with the associated arrows and spears.