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Forging a Lance or Spear Tip, creating Glass Beads or Handmade Paper


Kind of Event

  • Workshop


  • Austria

Forging a Lance or Spear Tip

Course objective: forging an iron lance or spearhead.

Course content: After an introduction to forging technology and the history of thrust and throwing weapons, each participant forges his own lance or spearhead historical model.

Historical background: In the Paleolithic era lances and throwing spears were still made of wood, bone or stone; they were continuously developed over the course of history and a special variety of shapes were formed with the use of iron. Technologically, the development culminated in the lavishly damasked lance tips of the early Middle Ages.

Instructor: Lukas J. Kerbler, MA
Course duration: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Course costs: 170 euros
Material contribution: 35 euros

Creating Glass Beads

Course objective: Make glass beads yourself based on historical templates.

Course content: Short introduction to the production of handmade glass beads on gas burners using today's methods, as well as a small excursion into historical glass bead production, as it could have been then. Brief introduction to the development of glass bead production and fashion in the course of history and presentation of today's possibilities.

Historical background: About 5,000 years ago, glass bead production started in the Orient and spread across the Mediterranean to all of Europe. The material glass also occurs in Naturals volcanic rock (obsidian) or as desert glass. Humans discovered the mixing of quartz sand, lime and soda as well as various oxides for coloring and began to process this material, which was an absolute luxury item until the industrial revolution in modern times, into pearls and vessels.

Instructor: Martina and Herbert Jandl
Course duration: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Course costs: 70 euros
Material costs: 15 euros

Creating Handmade Paper

Course objective: Acquisition of theoretical and practical basic knowledge of historical paper production. Your can take your self-created paper home.

Course content: Development history of paper. Small fiber plant science, methods of fiber disintegration in theory and practice, production of vegetable fiber paper and rag paper using cropping and casting methods.

Historical background: Paper has a different development history in Asia and Europe for cultural, economic and political reasons. As a writing material, it only became important in Europe with the introduction of the printing press in the middle of the 14th century and quickly led to the establishment of paper mills and the creation of paper centers, in which paper has been handcrafted for around 500 years. Today, butter paper and hand-made plant paper stand for exclusive handicrafts that make the value of "knowledge of the hands" and renewable resources concrete.

Instructor: Petra Paszkiewicz
Course duration: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Course costs: 130 euros
Material costs: 100 euros for processed pulp and written documents

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