Guided Tour of the Old and Middle Stone Age Settlement
- Germany
Guided tour of the Old and Middle Stone Age settlements
The Stone Age hunter (and museum educator) Wer
Throwing Stick to Spear Thrower - Study of Ethnographic Artefacts and Experimentation
Fous d'Histoire Compiègne
- France
On November 14 and 15, 2020 the 5th edition of Fous d'Histoire Compiègne will take place at Le Tigre, Festival du Spectacle Historique et Marché de l'Histoire, which took over from Fous d'Histoire Pontoise which existed since 2006.
Fish Skin Tanning
- the Netherlands
Have you always wanted to learn how to tan (fish) skin? During this day workshop we will start making salmon leather. We do this by using fat-tanning: one of the oldest methods of turning rough skin into a beautiful and similar piece of leather. This method is not easy and requires a lot of time, but is certainly worth the hard work.
Workshop Leather Tanning - Buckskin
- the Netherlands
In this 3 day workshop you will get to work yourself to turn a raw deer skin into a beautiful piece of leather, also known as Buckskin. We go through the whole process step by step with you: from skinning to breaking out the skins. We are also going to use fat tanning; a technique where the brain is used to lubricate the fibers of the skin.
European Archaeology Days 2020
- Czech Republic
You will learn about the specific work of an archaeologist, about selected archaeological findings and the essentials of protecting archaeological heritage.
Dyeing with Natural Plants old
- Germany
Textiles were dyed several thousand years ago. In this practical course, the participants learn which plants are suitable for dyeing, which shades they produce and how they can be used to dye wool.
Midsummer Party
- Sweden
Where do the midsummer traditions come from? With song, dance and games
we move back in time.
Johanna Lillvik and Sabina Henriksson sing and play on ancient instruments.
Stone Tool Technology
- Denmark
Stone Tool Technology: Concepts, Techniques and Methods
An international summer school at the University of Copenhagen from 27 July – 7 August 2020
Experimental Archaeology: Objectives, Limits, Perspectives
- Moldova
On 17 March, at Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University from Chișinău (Republic of Moldova), the Romanian researcher phD Vasile Diaconu (Neamt County Museum Complex, Romania) will hold the conference "Experimental Archaeology. Objectives, limits, perspectives".