
Tears of the Gods


... that's what amber was called in ancient myths. But this petrified resin has been in great demand since the Stone Age. Both beads and figures were created from it. One of the oldest sculptures in northern Germany is the Moose by Weitsche, which was designed around 14,000 years ago. In the Bronze Age, the amber trade experienced a new dimension.

Introductory Course: Traditional Bow Making


Get to know one of the oldest human crafts. Bow making is a very special kind of woodworking. Working on the annual growth ring brings the wood to new life and will change the way you look at wood as a material. Under expert guidance, the participants make their own bows from ash or hickory (including string and arrows).

Workshop: Colour in the Stone Age


Become a Stone Age artist and let yourself be carried away into the world of colour. Under the guidance of the Düsseldorf artist Birte Schuler, you will explore the question of how paints have been produced since the Stone Age, experiment with earth pigments and make your own brushes from materials that were already available to people in the Stone Age.

Management: Birte Schuler

Uses of Stone in Experimental Archeology


Prehistoric flint tools

A Meeting in the Living Laboratory of the Experimental Archeology Forum

The program:

- Making acquaintance with the participants
- Demonstrations and experimenting in flint knapping
- Gathering researchers and craftsmen - forming a thinking group for research interests in flint tools

Washington State University (US)

Member of EXARC

The program in archaeology emphasizes research and training in the prehistory of the Americas including Alaska, the Pacific Northwest from British Columbia to northern California, the Columbia Plateau, the Great Basin, the Pueblo societies of the Southwest, Mesoamerica, and the Andes. 

Faculty research employs ceramic analysis, lithic analysis, paleoeconomic and paleoenvironmental approaches including geoarchaeology, zooarchaeology, micro- and macrobotanical analysis, as well as well as stable isotope analysis, archaeometry via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and modelling and simulation. Students gain practical experience in methods through a group of laboratory training courses unique to WSU and are exposed to explanatory perspectives derived from evolutionary theory, agency and practice theory, and the study of complex adaptive systems.