
Forging Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

Forging is from all ages. Even before the use of metal, there used to be a flint smith. Flint was used to make sharp objects, such as knifes, axes, and drawbars. Later, these type of objects were made of bronze and iron and steel.

Winter Solstice Celebration at the Ancient Technology Centre

Organised by
Earth Kin Events
United Kingdom

Join us round the Earthouse hearth for a myriad of merry activities to celebrate the Winter Solstice, as we welcome the return of the sun!

For thousands of years the peoples of Earth have gathered in the darkest days of winter, to celebrate the Winter Solstice and welcome the return of the light, as the sun starts to grow stronger and rise higher in the sky.

New Trends in Experimental Archeology

Organised by
SAXO Archeology

On Monday, March 7, 2022, SAXO Archeology will hold a one-day webinar similar to the well-attended seminar "New research in old iron" last year. The aim of the seminar is to examine new trends in Danish and Scandinavian experimental archeology - through concrete examples but also through untested theories and methods.

Birch Bark Glue and its Potential Use in Neanderthal Clothing: A Pilot Study

Phoebe Baker 1 ✉,
Christopher Scott 1,
Peter Gethin 1,
Anthony Sinclair 1
Publication Date
Evidence that Neanderthals had mastered the production of birch bark tar as an adhesive has generated important and timely debate concerning behavioural complexity. Increased resolution of the data on palaeo-climatic conditions has also brought into sharp focus the need for hominins living in high latitudes to possess complex cultural mechanisms to deal with cold environments...