Sounds as Material Culture: Experimental Archaeology and Ethno-Archaeology
- Germany
Call for Papers
11. Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology
November 1-5, 2021 in Berlin
First Circular
Active Weekend: Making a Wattle Fence
- Austria
On Saturday, September 5th and Sunday, September 6th, learn about the millennia-old tradition of wattle fence production. The technology can be tried out together for the renewal of the woven fence around the Neolithic nave in the archaeological open-air site.
What was on the menu?
- Germany
Experiments of food-making in past times
This Sunday the Brandenburg State Museum of Archaeology turns into a testing ground. Employees and invited protagonists try to re-enact the making of food in past times, while visitors will be welcomed to have a look around.
International Bushcraft Event
- the Netherlands
The International Bushcraft Event, will be held some time in 2022 in The Netherlands (Holland). This event will be quite unique in its kind since it will bring instructors from all over the world to the public at one and the same place. As the International Bushcraft Symposium focuses on professionals, the International Bushcraft Event will be focused on the general public.
Stone Age Action Day
- Germany
From July 20th to July 26th 2020 there will be another International Stone Age Gathering with about 55 archaeologists and archaeotechnicians from many regions of Europe in the stone age park Dithmarschen in Albersdorf. The meeting serves the international scientific and craft expert's exchange. It also is a venue to try out new activities with visitors.
8th Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry
- Croatia
The scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry is being organised by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb since 2013.
#FinallyFriday Episode 3: Sounding out the Past
- the Netherlands
During our next #FinallyFriday episode we'll be discussing ancient music and soundscapes with guest speakers Lara Comis and Simon Wyatt. Prepare that lemonade and settle back to immerse yourself in the sounds of the past.
Prehistoric News at the Lakes
- Italy
We are pleased to invite you to the conference: "PREHISTORIC NEWS AT THE LAKES", a collaborative event of the reLacus project* . Results of the archaeological research, which took place at the lakes of San Giorgio and Santa Maria in 2019, will be presented.
EAC12: 12th Experimental Archaeology Conference - World Tour
- the Netherlands
The #EAC12 Conference will be an “around the world in 80 experiments” taking place in March 2021 (exact dates to be confirmed). It will start in New Zealand & Australia, turning towards Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America as the time proceeds. #EAC12 has online lectures as well as presentations by local hotspots in different time zones.
Theme weekend: Art through the Millennia
- Austria
From Cave Painting to Graffiti
What does cave painting have in common with modern graffiti pictures in public spaces? What methods and materials did the ice age artists use? Why were the pictures created then and are they created today? Try to create your own picture with earth colors and the simplest tools!