
Latvijas Arheoklubs (LV)

The society "Latvijas Arheoklubs" unites 20 members with a practical interest in the prehistory of the Baltic region. The group started in 2009 and in 2015 the society (NGO) was officially registered.

The society organizes and its members often are involved in different educational activities (like demonstrations of prehistoric and traditional skills and crafts, lectures about archaeology and experimental archaeology) in collaboration with different museums and municipalities, like Daugava Museum at Dole Island and Āraiši Archaeological Park.

The Many Faces of Experimental Archaeology


Experimental archaeology combines scientific research methodology with traditional craftsmanship, public relations and community building. Matilda Siebrecht (PhD Student at the University of Groningen and host of the podcast series 'The EXARC Show') and Franz Pieler discuss the opportunities of experimental archaeology as a research approach.

Archaeological Experiment on Reconstruction of the “Compound” Bow of the Sintashta Bronze Age Culture from the Stepnoe Cemetery

Ivan Semyan 1 ✉,
Spyros Bakas 2
Publication Date
#EAC12 World Tour 2021
***This article presents data from an international experimental study on the reconstruction of the “compound” bow of Sintashta culture of bronze age South Ural, Russia. The project is carried out by a collective of researchers from Greece and Russia as part of the grant program of EXARC - “Twinning program”...

The Ancient Magic of Malt: Making Malt Sugars and Ale from Grain Using Traditional Techniques

Merryn Dineley 1
Publication Date
The transformation of grain into malt, malt sugars and ale is a three step process. First, the controlled germination (malting), then ‘mashing in’ and collecting a sweet liquid known as wort and finally, the fermentation by pitching the yeast which converts the sugary wort into an alcoholic beverage. Each step requires different conditions for the process to work. They cannot be combined...

International Museum Day 2021 at Museum für Urgeschichte(n)


For once, the museum day takes place online and offline at the same time. Our on-site program shows what we can take with us from the past for the future. The #museumkick campaign invites everyone to post their own museum experiences in the virtual space.

Peter Wiking

Member of EXARC since
Crafts & Skills

I started in 1997 to work at Ekehagens Forntidsby, where I got in contact with flintknapping. Worked there for 8 years as schoolinstructor, prehistory technologies as flintknapping. I worked with Uppsala, Lund and Malmö universities with different Flint/stone experiments.