Opening event ''PAW's island''
- the Netherlands
Come and visit the open day / opening of the PAW “island”!
Last year we have been busy making this new location workable. A number of workshops are already planned this year and craft days and children's parties are coming!
To celebrate this, I invite you and your family to drop by and get to know this small piece of land and a lot of lovely people that PAW works with!
Fox Skin Tanning Workshop (with dr. Theresa Kamper)
- the Netherlands
A unique opportunity to learn how to tan a hide with fur in a prehistoric and modern way. You will be taught by the well known Dr. Theresa Kamper.
This is a 2 days workshop which will be held at an outdoor terrain in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. We will use fox skins.
Will you join us?
Workshop Skin Tanning
- the Netherlands
Op deze 3 daagse workshop ga je zelf aan de slag om van een rauwe reeën huid een prachtig stuk leer te maken, ook wel Buckskin genoemd. We gaan het hele proces stap voor stap met je door; van ontvlezen tot het uitroken van de huiden.
Narratives - Long Story Short
- Germany
Annual Conference of ICOM MPR
The International Committee for Museum Marketing & Public Relations of ICOM announces its annual conference in 2020 in Kassel and Berlin.
-> Call for Proposals is open
21-23 September 2020 in Kassel
24-26 September 2020 in Berlin
Rock Art and Experimentation Seminar
- Spain
Rock art and experimentation seminar
Bridging Ages - 16th Annual Conference
- Turkey
#exact dates TBC
Topic: Engagement in Environment and Local Community
The Time Travel Method in Education, Tourism and Local Development
Two-day Sheep Skin Tanning with Lucy O'Hagan
- Ireland
This workshop will focus on tanning sheepskins. Each participant will not only leave with a soft and usable skin, but also the skills and knowledge to continue this art at home and revive our ancient wisdom.
€180 per participant
Fish Skin Tanning Course with Lucy O'Hagan
- Ireland
Learn how to process a fish & turn its skin into a strong and durable material. Make a small pouch from the tanned skins. Also exploring ancestral fishing techniques: plant fiber line, bone hooks, floats, sinkers & lures. Cooking fish on the fire without pots or pans.
€75 per participant
Two-day Basket Weaving with Irene Kelly
- Ireland
Come and make your own basket in a relaxed but supportive atmosphere. On this two-day workshop, you will be able to take on a more ambitious project than you would on the one-day class. It is suitable both for beginners and people who have made baskets previously. Typically, you can expect to make something like a shopping basket or the equivalent.
One-day Basket Weaving with Irene Kelly
- Ireland
Come and learn this age-old skill of turning a bundle of twigs into a beautiful and useful basket. You will make a small basket such as a fruit bowl. You will also learn how to grow, harvest and prepare willow for the weaving.
This one-day craft course will be running on the following dates: Saturday 16th May and Saturday 15th August
€85 per participant