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International Camp of Experimental Archaeology

Organised by
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (PL)
Society for Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology (SEPA)


  • Poland

We invite everyone interested in experimental archaeology to participate in a two-week International Camp of Experimental Archaeology, connected with a seminar presenting the state of art of this method in Poland and accompanying use-wear workshops.

Nordic Tablet Weaving Conference

Organised by
Länsmuseet Gävleborg (SE)


  • Sweden

The Nordisk Brickvävningskonferens is supposed to be held every other year in the various Nordic countries. The purpose is to meet other tablet weavers, learn more about different  finds, techniques and more. There will be interesting courses with very skilled teachers.

XXVII Archaeological Festival at Biskupin - Mother Nature



  • Poland

The XXVII Archaeological Festival will be devoted to Mother Nature in various guises. During the Festival, you will be able to find out how in the past people perceived and worshipped Mother Nature, as well as how they used her benefits. But that is not everything! Scientists from various fi

Stone Age Camp



  • United Kingdom

Come and join our gathering as we bring our settlement alive and share skills around the fires for five days in August. The camp will run from a Sunday evening meal to Friday lunch

REARC 2019

Organised by


  • USA

This year the REARC meetings are scheduled for October 25th and 26th in historic Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are excited to announce that the Department of Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington will host Friday presentations.

Event Review: Yeoncheon Palaeolithic Festival: from Hand Axe to Street Dance

Eva IJsveld 1 ✉,
Dorothee Olthof 2
Publication Date
In 1978 a US Army soldier stationed in the North of South Korea discovered several hand axes near Jeongok in the Yeoncheon Province. This was the start of many years of archaeological investigations and eventually the building of the very futuristic Jeongok Prehistory Museum and the organisation of the annual Yeoncheon Paleolithic Festival...