Experimental Archaeology Course
- United Kingdom
Join us for a fun, hands-on, informative course about the skills required in experimental archaeology. The Mesolithic Resource Group will take you through a full programme including shelter, cordage, tools, foraging and much much more.
This ten week course costs £150. Booking is essential, and are taken for the whole course. £45.00 deposit to secure your place.
Conference Review: SAA General Session, Experimental Archaeology 2018
Conference Session: Archaeological Landscapes in the Museum
- Germany
The 83rd conference of the Northwest German Association for Archaeological Research will take place in Heide, Holstein (DE). One of their sessions is particularly interesting: the meeting of the workgroup „archaeological museums” of the German Museum Association. This conference will be in German.
Conference Review: African Conference on Experimental Archaeology 2018 from a Volunteer’s Point of View
11th Experimental Archaeology Conference EAC11
- Italy
EXARC ( and University of Trento ( are pleased to announce the 1st call for papers for the 11th Experimental Archaeology Conference (#EAC11), which will be held in University of Trento, Italy, on the 2-4 May 2019.
International Logboat Regatta
- Slovenia
Are you interested in paddling with a logboat? Perhaps even to compete with them? Bring the team of 6, we will bring the logboats and equipment. Teams of 6 crew members can apply with no charge. Send the application form to Accommodation costs for the next 3 teams that apply will be covered.
Session: Archaeological Replication in Contemporary Research
- New Zealand
The New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA) and the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) annual conference will be held at Auckland University from 28 November to 1 December 2018. This particular session is on Thursday November 29. The session is in room 3, 8:30h - 13:00h and contains 12 papers.
Re-Creating an Aboriginal Earth Oven with Clayey Heating Elements: Experimental Archaeology and Paleodietary Implications
Understanding the Archaeological Record: Reconstructing a Warp-Weighted Loom
***The paper deals with a reconstruction of a warp-weighted loom based on a rare find of 36 in situ loom weights in an object interpreted as a weaving hut at an archaeological site Virje-Sušine in Northern Croatia dated in late Iron Age (La Tène C period, 2/2 3rd – 2/2 2nd century BC)...
Learning to Recreate, Recreating to Learn. Experimental Archaeology
***This paper aims to present and discuss ongoing activities that combine Experimental Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology developed in the scope of a master's degree, a post-doctoral and other research projects at the University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain), in collaboration with regional open-air museums and educational centres...