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EXARC Journal

EXARC Journal Issue 2018/2

Issue 2018-2
EXARC Journal

15 Articles | DOAJ | Open Access
ISSN: 2212-8956
Publishing date: May 22, 2018
📄 EXARC Journal 2018/2 Table of Contents
Copyrights: EXARC, 2018


Days before EXARC’s meeting at Paleofestival in Italy we published the EXARC Journal 2018/2. It is online and open access. Seven articles are peer-reviewed and include themes like Aboriginal earth ovens from Australia, reconstructing a weaving loom, learning to recreate, recreating to learn, Colonial Williamsburg & deconolization, a Bronze Age longhouse model built in Germany, comparing Inca & Egyptian mummification and experimental approaches to student success. Three of these articles were presented at our EAC10 conference in Leiden, 2016. The eight short articles, mixed matters, include book and event reviews as well as an obituary for Peter Kelterborn.


Reviewed Articles

Re-Creating an Aboriginal Earth Oven with Clayey Heating Elements: Experimental Archaeology and Paleodietary Implications

Maurizio Campanelli 1,
Jane Muir 2,
Alice Mora 3 ✉,
Daniel Ross Clarke 1,4,
Darren Griffin 4
Publication Date
Earth ovens may relate to different ancestral cooking techniques, serving specific needs and functions. In eastern and south-eastern Australia, they were a significant element of a thriving pre-colonial Aboriginal culture. However, today it is extremely rare to find such structures well preserved. Based on archaeological and historical records...

Understanding the Archaeological Record: Reconstructing a Warp-Weighted Loom

Tena Karavidović 1 ✉,
Tajana Sekelj Ivančan 1
Publication Date
10th EAC Leiden 2017
***The paper deals with a reconstruction of a warp-weighted loom based on a rare find of 36 in situ loom weights in an object interpreted as a weaving hut at an archaeological site Virje-Sušine in Northern Croatia dated in late Iron Age (La Tène C period, 2/2 3rd – 2/2 2nd century BC)...

Learning to Recreate, Recreating to Learn. Experimental Archaeology

Beatriz Comendador 1 ✉,
Aaron Lackinger 1,2,
Elin Figueiredo 1,3
Publication Date
10th EAC Leiden 2017
***This paper aims to present and discuss ongoing activities that combine Experimental Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology developed in the scope of a master's degree, a post-doctoral and other research projects at the University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain), in collaboration with regional open-air museums and educational centres...

History in Motion: Colonial Williamsburg

Nikola Krstović 1
Publication Date
Boundaries are always an interesting topic. In the framework of the current heritage buzz word decolonization, boundaries might also represent what is “colonised” in every cultural enterprise, or to be more specific, how and why some form of power obtruded its authority, and to what extent. Like almost all other museums, Colonial Williamsburg deals with the past. The past has its own boundaries that...

The Construction of a Bronze Age Longhouse Model in Dwelling-byre Style using Experimental Archaeological Techniques

Wolfgang F.A. Lobisser 1
Publication Date
Longhouses built using earth-fast post technique belong to the most important and most successful house types of middle European prehistory. The footprints of these structures, in various styles, are identifiable from the very beginning of the Neolithic period up to the Middle Ages, and sometimes up to early modern times...

Comparing Mummification Processes: Egyptian & Inca

Emma J. Williams 1
Publication Date
This two-year research project was carried out as part of SUNY Potsdam’s Presidential Scholars program which allows undergraduates to conduct independent research. The project employs controlled laboratory experiments to compare desiccation rates in natural and artificial mummification processes while considering the cultural context of the funerary practices. Artificial mummification techniques of ...

Experimental Approaches to Student Success

Tim Messner 1
Publication Date
10th EAC Leiden 2017
***An undergraduate student who hopes to secure meaningful work or pursue graduate studies needs to have excellent grades. This is true for all disciplines, but especially for niche fields like archaeology. Grades alone, however, are rarely enough. Employers and graduate schools seek candidates that are not only ‘book smart’ but who have...