
The Experimental Reconstruction of an Early Neolithic Underground Oven of Portonovo (Italy)

Cecilia Conati Barbaro 1 ✉,
Vanessa Forte 1,
Alberto Rossi 2
Publication Date
11th EAC Trento 2019
***This contribution presents the experimental reconstruction of an underground oven replicated according to the archaeological evidence unearthed from the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo-Fosso Fontanaccia (Ancona-Italy). A domed structure, measuring 190x180 cm diameter at the base and 50 cm in height, was dug in 15 hours...

Forging a Lance or Spear Tip, creating Glass Beads or Handmade Paper


Forging a Lance or Spear Tip

Course objective: forging an iron lance or spearhead.

Course content: After an introduction to forging technology and the history of thrust and throwing weapons, each participant forges his own lance or spearhead historical model.

Prehistoric Wellness


Welcome to the wellness center “Zum Steinzeitkamm”. Here you can experience body and beauty care using methods that are thousands of years old. Forget chia seeds and Goji berries: we show you which superfoods have already been growing with us since the Stone Age and what ingredients our Ancestors used for beauty treatments - natural and soothing. Let yourself be pampered!