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ISBSA 15 - International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology

Organised by


  • France

The purpose of ISBSA is to bring together all those involved in the study of the form, structure, function, and operational performance of ancient boats. The first symposium examined the methodological problems of studying boat remains. Many of the topics addressed at that initial meeting, such as experimental archaeology and ethnography. have remained core elements in the programs of subsequent conferences.

The 15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA) will take place in Marseille (FR), 22nd-27th October 2018.

Special attention for the 14th Session: Experimental Archaeology (26 October, 9:00h-10:30h, Chairman: Pierre POVEDA), with the following papers: 

  • Helena Wilde Swiny: Kyrenia Ship: the tale of two ships.
  • Yochai Palkzur, Deborah Cvikel: Sailing the Ma‘agan Mikhael II replica ship.
  • Işil Özsait-Kocabaş: Reconstruction of the Byzantine shipwreck Yenikapi 12.
  • Vibeke Bischoff: The Oseberg Ship: reflections on the choice of methodology for testing experimental archaeological reconstructions.
  • Martin Rodevad Dael, Tríona Sørensen: The Skuldelev 3 reconstruction, Roar Ege: from reconstruction to retirement.