SAA Conference: Experimental Archaeology
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There is lots of Experimental Archaeology at the SAA in Albuquerque (NM): 2 paper sessions, three poster sessions and many papers scattered accross other sessions. An excerpt:
Paper Session: New Directions in Experimental Archaeology (1)
April 11, 2019
Room: 130 Cimarron
Time: 1:00 PM–3:00 PM
Chair: Jeanne Binning
- 1:00 Metin Eren and The Eren Lab Graduate Students —On the Practical Use of Knives Manufactured from Human Feces and Saliva: An Experiment
- 1:15 Jeanne Binning—Identifying Pressure Flakes Generated during the Reduction of Small Bifaces: The Results of a Blind Test
- 1:30 Leanna Maguire, Briggs Buchanan and Metin Eren—The Role of Isometric Scaling on Stone Projectile Point Durability: An Experimental Assessment
- 1:45 Ashley Rutkoski—Under Fire: An Experimental Examination of Heat on Lithic Microwear Evidence
- 2:00 Sarah Skinner—A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Projectile Point Maintenance using Experimental Resharpening Techniques: An Examination of PFP1 Curation, Cooper's Ferry Site, Idaho
- 2:15 Charles Speer—Simulating Organic Projectile Point Damage on Bison Pelves
- 2:30 Alyssa Perrone and Metin Eren—How Much Force Does It Take to Break a Flaked Stone Tool?
- 2:45 Michael Wilson and Metin Eren —Modern versus Prehistoric Hafting Mediums: Are They Comparable?
Paper session: New Directions in Experimental Archaeology (2)
Room: 130 Cimarron
Time: 3:00 PM–5:00 PM
Chair: Ashley Cercone
- 3:00 Joelle Nivens—Early Aurignacian Symbolic Technologies: Assessing the Relationship between Personal Ornaments and Coloring Materials in SW France
- 3:15 Dmitry Yegorov, Steven Rosen and Ofer Marder—The Heat Treatment of Flint in the Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Yiftahel (Lower Galilee, Israel) and Its Social Interpretation
- 3:30 Annelou Van Gijn, Annemieke Verbaas, Nicholas Groat and Loe Jacobs—The Life History of Early Celtic Vessels: An Experimental Approach towards Exploring the Inferential Limits of Interpreting Pottery Function
- 3:45 Ashley Cercone—Putting the Mold to the Test: The Application of Experimental Archaeology to Compare the Mold and Potter’s Wheel in Bronze Age Anatolia
- 4:00 Michelle LaBerge—The Heart of the Madder: New Research on an Important Prehistoric Dye Plant
- 4:15 Joseph Wayman—Experiment to Investigate the Effect of Animal Trampling on Flat Objects
- 4:30 Suramya Bansal—Practical and Interpretive Implications of Experimental Hand Imprints
- 4:45 Dale Croes and Ed Carriere—Generationally-Linked Archaeology: Northwest Coast of North America Example
Poster Session: Experimental Archaeology Improves Archaeological Inference
Thursday April 11, 2019
Room: Hall 3
Time: 5:00 PM–7:00 PM
- 115-a Somaye Khaksar and Gilbert Tostevin —Is It Only the Blank Size That Matters? The Effect of Edge Segmentation on Lithic Blank Cutting-Edge Efficiency
- 115-b Mel Miller—Post-Depositional Ridge Rounding on Banded Ironstone and the 94 Program of the 84th Annual Meeting
- Condition of the Fauresmith Artifacts at Bestwood, South Africa
- 115-c Kyra Johnson, Emily Sponsel and Gilliane Monnier—A Comparison of the Surface Variation of Burned and Weathered Bone
- 115-d Melissa Ayling and Marie Hopwood—Raise Your Glass to the Past: An Experimental Archaeology of Beer and Community
- 115-e Kathleen Holen and Steven Holen—Human-Induced Percussion Technology: A Synthesis of Bone Modification as Archaeological Evidence
- 115-f Christina McSherry—Can Firing Position of WWII Soldiers Be Determined by Shell Scatters? Preliminary Data from Experimental Archaeology
- 115-g Richard Nicolas—The Ancient Lingling-O: Understanding Jade Stone Manufacture through Experimental Drilling and Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis
- 115-h Taylor Picard and Marisol Cortes-Rincon—Prehistoric Weapon Perimortem Damage Documentation
- 115-i Georgia Oppenheim, Amanda Stricklan, Rahab Kinyanjui, Sarah Hlubik and David Braun—Phytolith Analysis of Experimental Fires: Insights into the Prehistory of Fire
- 115-j Brittany Hundman, Alyssa M. Tate and Jonathan Heile—Oops, I Touched It Again: Debunking Myths and Misconceptions of Radiocarbon Dating Sample Collection
Poster Session: Experimental Archaeology in the Americas
Thursday April 11, 2019
Room: Hall 3
Time: 5:00 PM–7:00 PM
- 116-a David Walton—Obsidian Tool Functions at Early Formative Altica, Mexico
- 116-b Michelle Bebber—A Comparative Functional Analysis of Old Copper Culture Utilitarian Implements via Artifact Replication, Materials Testing, and Ballistic Analyses
- 116-c Macy Ricketts, Naomi Ward and Todd Surovell—DNA-Based Determination of Microbial Community Structure in Soils from the La Prele Mammoth Site
- 116-d Brian Holguin and Scott Sunell—Evaluating Material-Specific Responses to Heat Treatment in the Santa Barbara Channel Region
- 116-e Kristina Gaugler—Heating Stones: An Experimental and Ethnographic Analysis of Fire Cracked Rock at Two Monongahela Sites in Southwestern PA
- 116-f Hector Salazar and Anthony Graesch—On Making Kw’ets’tel and Interpreting the Remnants: An Archaeological and Experimental Archaeological Study of Stó:lō - Coast Salish Slate Fishing Knives
- 116-g Emily Milton and Joshua Schwartz —Not Something to Grind Your Teeth Over: Experimental Mounting of Enamel for Stable Isotopic and Microscopic Analysis
- 116-h Mary Erlick—Obsidian Sourcing and the Origins of the Black Mountain Redoubt Site, Wyoming
- 116-i Kirsty Escalante—Multifunctional Obsidian Blades: Exploring Use-Wear of Maya Blades from the Quiché Basin, Guatemala
- 116-j Charles Edwards—Food and Cooking at Dust Cave: An Experimental and Microarchaeological Approach
- 116-k Caitlin Bishop and Katherine Jorgensen—Shattered: Conducting Experimental Archaeology to Better Diagnose Contact Period Lithics
- 116-l Nancy Williams, Miriam Belmaker and Danielle Macdonald—Squeaky Clean: An Experiment to Test the Usefulness of Cleaning Agents on Silicon Dental Impression Molds
- 116-m Aaron Cathers—Determining the Provenance of Freshwater Sponge Spicule Inclusions in Pre-Columbian Amazonian Ceramics
- 116-n Carly Whelan—An Acorn in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Granary: The Effect of Decay Rates on Food Storage Preferences in Prehistoric California
Poster Session: Experimental Archaeology in the U.S. Southwest
Thursday April 11, 2019
Room: Hall 3
Time: 5:00 PM–7:00 PM
- 117-a Lucas Hoedl, Wendel Navenma and Jeremy Navenma—Experimental Construction and Traditional Maintenance: Pathways to Practice in Ruins Stabilization
- 117-b Alexandra Covert—Some Like It Hot: Prehistoric Heat Treatment of Petrified Wood
- 117-c Evangelia Tsesmeli and David Eck —Does Mastication Damage Cultural Resources? A New Mexico Perspective
- 117-d Jarrett Holsten, Katherine Brewer, Shannan Rael, Emmanuel Macias and Ashley Harris—Ovens Aren't Just for Food: Experimenting to Determine the Materials Used in a 19th Century Spanish Oven
- 117-e Megan Laurich, Wyatt Benson, Natalie Patton and Chrissina Burke—Are You a Tool? A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Worked Bone from Wupatki National Monument
- 117-f Michael Jeu and Heather Smith—A Spatial Analysis of a Knapper's Replication of Debitage Debris from Hunter-Gatherer Camp and Hunting Sites
- 117-g Sara Anderson—Examining Female Status and Craft Production in Chaco Canyon: Bone Spatulate Tool Use-Wear Analysis