Pebbles and Fire. Prehistoric Cooking Lab
- Italy
The preparation of a meat recipe is an opportunity to talk about ovens, plates and food cooking, starting from particular archaeological discoveries: the traces of fire and the combustion structures typical of the prehistoric levels and of which the site of Travo Keeps witness.
- Italy
The clock moves back millennia to relive the Prehistory. Games, competitions, workshops and experts will involve children and adults in first person.
12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry (CIA 2017)
- Spain
The 12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry will be held between October 25th and 28th at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) in Burgos .
The Iberian archaeometry community will meet to discuss the technological advances and their possible applications to the material study of historical, archaeological and cultural heritage.
Experimental Archaeology Workshop in Turkey
- Turkey
This weeklong workshop for university-level archaeology students will utilize the ideal setting of the Neolithic-Chalcolithic Aktopraklık site in Turkey. Bolstered by on-site reconstructions of prehistoric architecture, participants will have the unparalleled opportunity to do experimental archaeology in the same manner and setting as Aktopraklık’s ancient inhabitants.
Prehistoric Beekeeping in Central Europe - a Themed Guided Tour at Zeiteninsel, Germany
“Days of Living Archaeology” at the Prehistoric Archaeopark Vsestary, Czech Republic
Times & Epochs - Moscow Historical Festival
- Russia
The historical festival ‘Times & Epochs’ is taking place in Moscow from 10 to 22 of August for the 8th time.
2nd Croatian Festival of Experimental Archaeology
- Croatia
Spring in Andautonia 2017., II. Festival of experimental archaeology
International Obsidian Conference
- Hungary
We invite you to participate in the next International Obsidian Conference, in May 2019 in Hungary, Budapest and Sárospatak. The conference is intended as consecutive to the Lipari Obsidian Conference held in 2016 (
Days Of Live Archaeology In Kernave old
- Lithuania
Kernavė archaeological site, inscribed into UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004, is an open-air exhibition created by nature and man over many centuries.