2nd Croatian Festival of Experimental Archaeology
- Croatia
Spring in Andautonia 2017., II. Festival of experimental archaeology
The event “Spring in Andautonija” is held every year in May. This event through different workshops, playrooms and outdoor exhibitions presents daily life in a Roman city. Since May 2016 the Festival of experimental archaeology is also held, where experts present the results of scientific research, conduct experiments and demonstrations.
Location: Archeological park Andautonija, Ščitarjevo near Zagreb.
Archaeological Park Andautonia is located at the center of today's village Ščitarjevo near Croatias capital Zagreb, where you can see part of the Roman city Andautonia.
Free admission, kid friendly, pet friendly
TEXTILES (Tena Karavidović, Branka Tomić)
Manual spinning of raw wool with spinning whorls of different weight
- Experiment – testing possibilities of spindle whorls of varying weight in relation different spinning technique and thread thickness, strength.
- Demonstration – how are the threads made?
Textile Techniques
- Demonstration – Setting up the loom and weaving on a reconstruction of vertical loom with weights
- Workshop for kids - fabrication of fabrics using different weaving techniques with replicas of Romanesque tools riggid heddle, tablet weaving
STONE AND BRONZE (Mario Bodružić, Dalibor Branković)
- Demonstration – techniques of making stone axes and chisels and drilling holes in stone - experiment with us - visitors will be able to try drilling technique and use already made stone axes
- Experiment – Comparative use of stone and bronze axes
FIRE (Marin Carić, Dalibor Branković)
- Demonstration - fire-making with different techniques - rotation and friction - experiment with us - visitors will be able to try fire burning
WOODWORKING (Ivan Volarević)
- Demonstration - technique of making wood objects on the reconstruction of a Roman hand-held bow lathe (lat tornus)
- Experiment - Use of various woodworking tools - Reconstruction of Roman decorations
CERAMICS (PhD Tatjana Tkalčec)
Demonstration and experiment
- Testing ceramic spheres by sling throwing
- brewing milk with the help of heated ceramic spheres
- cooking with heated ceramic spheres
-Demonstration – Techniques of roman lamp and pot production (Marko Niemčić)
-Demonstration – Making replicas of roman jewelry (Zlatko Odrčić)
-Demonstration - Building of Romanesque stone walls (Havojic Building)
12:30h: Ph.D. Andreja Kudelić, Tena Karavidović: Experimental archeology
(In the Interpretation Center)
13:30h: Slobodanka Postić: Fragrances and perfumes in Roman times
(In the Interpretation Center)
16:00h: Rujana Jeger: The Secret History of Mongolian Women and Queen,
(Miss Nikica Prvanović Babić, Ph.D. - a little about celery milk)
(Below walnut)
During the event, the entrance to the Archaeological Park is free for all visitors, and pets are also welcome. The facilities are tailored to blind and partially sighted people and people with other forms of disability, and a free shuttle service is provided twice a day from Zagreb to Ščitarjevo (Zrinjevac-meteorological stupa) .:
11:30h Zrinjevac- Ščitarjevo
14:30h Ščitarjevo - Zrinjevac
15:00h Zrinjevac - Ščitarjevo
18:00h Ščitarjevo - Zrinjevac