
The Construction of a Replica Section of the Middle Subneolithic Purkajasuo Lath Screen Fish Weir at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Finland

Peter Groom
Evon Kirby
James Findlay
Publication Date
In July 2018 the Mesolithic Resource Group attended the Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Pahkalantie, Finland. The visit provided us with the opportunity to practice experimental archaeology in a ‘Stone Age’ landscape at Kierikki. One project was the reconstruction of a section of the Neolithic wooden fish weir from the site of Purkajasuo, which is on display in the museum...

Workshop: understand Prehistory through Experimental Archaeology and Dissemination

Organised by

On 24th and 25th November 2018 will be held at the "Torre dei Guardiani" visit center in the Alta Murgia National Park in Ruvo di Puglia (Bari), the dissemination course called "understand Prehistory through Experimental Archaeology and Dissemination".

Conference Review: 2018 EXAR Tagung in Unteruhldingen (DE)

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
For the annual Tagung (conference), about 120 people convened in the southernmost point of Germany, at Lake Constance, near the borders of Switzerland and Austria. This conference is the perfect networking event for experimental archaeology in the German spoken part of Europe. Out of the 27 lectures, 25 were presented in German. The strength, but also its weakness, of the conference is that anything goes...

Seminar on Taphonomy

Organised by
Université de Liège (BE)

Taphonomy of use-wear traces and residues on stone tools: issues and perspectives

Taphonomy and stone tool residues: understanding processes of deposition, removal and decay (in English), by By Dries Cnuts, TraceoLab / Prehistory Liège Université

Open Day - Experimental Archaeology

Organised by
Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia (IT)

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2018, the Asociation. Paleoes - eXperimentalTech ArcheoDrome o organises a day entirely dedicated to experimental archeology, aimed at both adults and children, to explain experimental archaeology, with a view to inclusion and participation.