Newest Era

Which Type of Archaeological Open-Air Museum? A Classification Proposal

Federico Cappadona 1
Publication Date
Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs) are well established in the international museum landscape, and today more than 350 of these sites can be counted in Europe alone. These museums differ considerably from one another, and each of them presents specific and unique features.

Bertas Flachs (AT)

Association for the preservation and promotion of traditional flax craftsmanship (Verein zum Erhalt und zur Förderung des traditionellen Flachshandwerks)

In March 2021, hand spinner Christiane Seufferlein Austria was given a chest full of flax. The owner was a certain Berta Pumberger Winhager. Her son was looking for a "good place" for his late mother's cherished bridal chest. Since a chest containing 80 kilos of fibre material would have simply been too much for her own use, the fibre artist began giving the braids away to an international spinning community. After a small article in the local weekly newspaper, many elderly people in the region came forward who also had flax and linen to give away.

Obituary: Andy Kurzweil (16 July 1945 – 13 March 2023)

Dieter Todtenhaupt 1
Publication Date
On March 13, 2023, my long-time friend Andy Kurzweil, fellow researcher and co-founder of AG Teerschwele (Working Group on Tar) at the Museumsdorf Düppel (Berlin-West Germany), died at home at the age of 78. I met him on my first visit to the Museumsdorf Düppel in 1977 at the tar production area, when I offered him my help...

Conference Review: Ancient shipping and shipbuilding: issues of research, reconstruction and possibilities of use for the development of tourism, Rivne, Ukraine, 2023

Andrii Petrauskas 1
Publication Date
Open-air archaeological museums are one of the promising directions in museum activities in Ukraine that is rapidly developing. Their main feature is the interactive nature of the exposition, which allows engaging visitors in the historical atmosphere of a certain period. One might use a non-scientific comparison as a portal in time and space...

Time travel – a Great Method to Strengthen Cooperation between Museums and Schools. The Experience of Nationwide Time Travels in Estonia.

Kaari Siemer 1
Publication Date
In Estonia the method of Time Travel has been used for more than 10 years. While the first time travels were conducted in a rather casual and modest way, a change took place in 2016 with the first nationwide project. By today more than 23 000 students have participated in the nationwide time travel events and it has become an important way of cooperation for museums and schools.

RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), June 2022

Clara Masriera i Esquerra 1
Publication Date
In June 2022, the first onsite RETOLD project meeting took place in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), hosted, and organised by the Prehistory department. The meeting in Barcelona was important to introduce the RETOLD project to a wider public of specialists and students, and to test the idea of the web-app for the first time with all partners and some expert guests...

Where Two Worlds Meet - Living History and Heritage Locations

Luc Eekhout 1
Publication Date
The Netherlands have an abundance of heritage locations: museums, monuments, windmills. A favorite pastime of many senior citizens is to take responsibility for this heritage as volunteer guides, amateur historians, and so on. Their traditional contribution to the Dutch heritage sector is tremendous. But at the same time there is a ...

Celebrating International Museum Day 2023... Internationally

Aija Héloïse Pince 1
Publication Date
In order to celebrate International Museum Day 2023, I strived to make a change in a personal format to mark the occasion as being as international as possible. Back in the day, when I was working at Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, we marked the day as near as possible. Given that May was going to be too hot for comfort, we usually celebrated a month earlier...

Conference Review: ACTION! Museums in the Climate Crisis, NEMO 2023

Julia Heeb 1
Publication Date
The NEMO European Museum Conference 2023: and… ACTION! Museums in the climate crisis took place in Lahti, Finland from 19-21 November. Almost 300 museum professionals from all over Europe took part, listening, discussing, and being inspired by a variety of formats and speakers. EXARC's Vice-Chair, Dr Julia Heeb from Stadtmuseum Berlin, was present...