Newest Era

Launching an Experimental Archaeology Course at the Undergraduate Level

Jake Morton 1 ✉,
Austin Mason 2
Publication Date
This article describes the process of designing and running a new course on Experimental Archaeology and Experiential History at a small liberal arts college in central Minnesota. We discuss the general methodological and pedagogical goals for the course, a representative three-week sequence of readings and labs based on the lives of shepherds, and the pedagogical and digital infrastructure...

Conference Review: Innovation begins within. Resilient museums in times of disruption, NEMO 2022

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) celebrated their yearly conference in October 2022 in Loulé, Portugal. More than 200 people attended. EXARC is a member of NEMO and we decided to take a look. The format of the conference was not tedious at all, and everything was well organised. This made it easy to take in the information from the presenters...

Obituary: Anne Reichert (10 June 1935 - 8 May 2022)

Sabine Karg 1 ✉,
Johanna Banck-Burgess 2,
Renate Ebersbach 2,
Wolfram Schier 1,
Helmut Schlichtherle 2
Publication Date
Shortly before her 87th birthday Anne Reichert, well known for her archaeological reconstructions throughout Europe, died at her home in Southern Germany. From the 1980s onwards she started her career as a freelance and self-taught experimental archaeologist...

Book Review: Craft Sciences by Tina Westerlund et al (eds)

Duncan Berryman 1
Publication Date
This book sets out to bring the topics of craft science and practitioner-research to a wider audience and integrate them into current craft practices. This is a subject that has seen significant development in Scandinavia but is much less common in other parts of Europe. The essays gathered here present case studies from a range of different crafts, from woodworking and pottery to gardening and textile...

2022 AIMA Lecture: Finding Common Ground

Organised by

Please set your schedules to hear a vibrant discussion between the powerhouse leaders of history and agriculture - three associations coming together to "Find Common Ground"!

This will be the first time that representatives of AIMA, ALHFAM and EXARC virtually join forces to discuss their missions, focus groups as well as possible (joint) plans for the future.

ALHFAM 2023: Rethink, Rejuvenate, Regenerate

Organised by

What do we want our future to be? Museums have a unique contribution to make to envision a desirable future. The collections which document the past, and the engagement with communities in the present, provide a solid foundation for thinking about the future. How do we go about this when faced with challenges that require our immediate attention?

Conference Review: The ICOM Museum Convention in Prague, August 2022

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The International Council of Museums, ICOM, has a habit of meeting every three years in a large General Conference. The last time was in Kyoto, Japan, in 2019. EXARC was present there, and we witnessed a heavy debate on the museum definition, but also spoke with many museum professionals from Japan and abroad. We worked in close cooperation with ICOM Netherlands that time...

RETOLD: On the Way for a Digital Future of Documentation in Open-air Museums – User Requirements for Data Entry and a Management Product for the RETOLD-Project

Cordula Hansen 1,
Rüdiger Kelm 2
Publication Date
As part of the RETOLD project, which runs from 2020 until 2024 and is funded by the Creative Europe Programme, Nüwa Digital Media Production Studios (Ireland) in collaboration with the Archaeological-Ecological Centre Albersdorf (AÖZA, Germany) have carried out a year-long user research project for a future digital tool, that will enable open-air museums to collect and manage data...

The Experimenter's Body: Movement as an Artifact

Thaisa Martins 1
Publication Date
This paper  summarises a part of the discussions carried out in the author's MA in Archaeology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Starting from the question “when the only thing we have is the archaeologist’s body, how can we do archaeology?” We propose to engage with methodologies and theories from the field of Dance to analyse the experimenter’s body in experimental archaeology research...

RETOLD: Open-air Museum Mobile Applications UX Report - Looking for Inspiration

Pau Sanchis Rota 1
Publication Date
This article presents the methodology and results of the report on Open-air Museums Mobile Apps, developed by the RETOLD Project in October 2021. From the analysis of a sample composed by 15 Open-air Museums mobile applications, three models for Open-air museums mobile apps are proposed according to different visit experiences.