Newest Era

Museum Talks ONLINE: Building Sustainability

United Kingdom

The historic buildings at St Fagans National Museum of History showcase 2,000 years of home building in Wales. From simple handmade homes of sticks and earth to a precision engineered aluminium prefab from The Second World War. Can this collection help us design new homes that are sustainable, long-lasting and resilient?



Organized at the Gallo-Roman museum and sites of Saint-Romain-en-Gal, the Vinalia festival makes the link between the gastronomic cultures of Antiquity and the practices of today. See you with an enriched 2023 edition which, for the first time, will take place over 2 days! An event open to all!

Event Review: Archaeology Days in Kernave, 2023

Yarema Ivantsiv 1,
Maria Ivantsiv 1
Publication Date

NGO "Chorna Galych", Ukraine, first visited Kernave in 2017; this was the second time the NGO participated in this event. The experience of this trip revealed to us new interesting aspects of cultural heritage interpretation methods and became an important starting point for changes in our own attitude to the matter. It was especially interesting to see how the festival and the reserve have changed.

Book Review: Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development by Sophia Labadi

Jordana Maguire 1
Publication Date
The concept of heritage has long been associated with the preservation and commemoration of our collective cultural legacy. In the context of development, however, heritage takes on a multifaceted role, encompassing not only the preservation of historical artefacts and traditions but also their active integration into processes that drive socioeconomic progress.


George Tomegea 1
Publication Date
After two years of implementing the RETOLD Project, we made a SWOT Analysis of the current stage of using digital technology in the daily activities of open-air museums, as far as documentation, digitization and sharing heritage are concerned. The analysis was made based on the answers from a questionnaire applied in the three partner museums involved in the projects...

RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at ASTRA, Sibiu, March 2023

George Tomegea 1
Publication Date
At the end of March 2023 the second face-to-face meeting of the partners from the RETOLD Project was organised in Sibiu. The host was the ASTRA National Museum Complex. The meeting took place in the Open-Air Museum of Dumbrava Sibiului, one of the largest open air museums in Europe that comprises over 400 traditional dwellings...

Conference Review: EAC13, Torun, Poland, May 2023

Phoebe Baker 1 ✉,
E. Giovanna Fregni 2,
Jess Shaw 3
Publication Date
This year EXARC/EAC held its first fully hybrid conference at Nikolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland on 1-3 May. Using the experience and technology from the EAC World Tour, the previous conference in 2021, EXARC was able to include international speakers who would otherwise be unable to participate in the conference.