Newest Era


Organised by
HistFest (UK)
United Kingdom

HistFest is a brand new three-day history festival that will entertain, educate and feature an eclectic mix of talks, panel discussions, workshops and live performances. 

Event Review: NEMO Training Course ‘Regional Development through Heritage in Sweden’ in Östersund, Sweden

Annemarie Pothaar 1
Publication Date
Annemarie Pothaar was selected to attend the one day NEMO training course on 29th June 2018 in Östersund Sweden. This was facilitated by the Jamtli Foundation and the Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning and Creativity (NCK). The meeting was attended by six colleagues coming from different countries, including the Netherlands and Azerbaijan...

Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2018

Susan Verberg 1
Publication Date
REARC Conferences
***The 8th annual Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference hosted by EXARC drew speakers and participants from many parts of the world. The REARC conference was once again hosted by Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, from October 18-20th. Friday was reserved for the presentation of papers...

Celebrating our Woodland Heritage Conference

Organised by
University of Bradford (UK)
Pennine Prospects (UK)
United Kingdom

This conference brings together people from across the UK, from a wide range of backgrounds (ecologists, woodland managers, historians, archaeologists, volunteers and students on research projects), to explore our shared interests in woodland heritage.  

Public Access to (Pre-)History Through Archaeology

Katie Stringer Clary 1
Publication Date
Public history, like experimental archaeology, is relatively new as an accepted academic program; the two fields are intrinsically linked and should, ideally, use interdisciplinary collaboration to better educate and involve the public in their work. This paper presents case studies in education and interpretation by the author, as well as exemplary programs from various sites in the United States and Europe...

Conference Review: SAA General Session, Experimental Archaeology 2018

Yvette A Marks 1
Publication Date
The Society for American Archaeology is, perhaps with the exception of the World Archaeology Congress, the largest meeting of archaeologists in the world. The 2018 annual meeting was held in Washington DC and was attended by approximately 5000 archaeologists. Delegates were primarily from the States, but there was also a good international showing with attendees coming from around the world...