Late Middle Ages

Under the Cobblestones: Leather

Organised by
Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie

From animal remains to archaeological pieces (Structure and composition of archaeological skin, main transformation processes, nature of archaeological leather, principle of study of a collection)

by Véronique MONTEMBAULT IN / EX Situ - Doctor of Archeology - Associate researcher at UMR 7041 (Arcan)

Falconry Show


Medieval falconry - meet the fantastic and impressive birds of prey up close.

One of the most popular pastimes and sports of the Middle Ages, if you were a nobleman, was to go on a hunt with the aid of birds of prey. This can be seen depicted in many contemporary illustrations.

Communicating the Past - IMTAL Europe Conference

Organised by
IMTAL Europe

#Compast will bring together people who want to share and extend their knowledge of how live interpretation and museum theatre are used to interpret the past in museums and at heritage sites. The Conference is organised by IMTAL Europe and the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences/Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture.

Book Review: A Handbook for Women’s clothing, Northern Europe, 1360-1415 by Ahlqvist and Neijman

Catharina Oksen 1
Publication Date

The book gives a short historical overview of major events in the chosen area, followed by an informative chapter on colours, a likewise very competent chapter on fabrics, and one on sewing techniques. Then the dress parts are presented, with very clear and informative modern illustrations. The focus is on ordinary dresses, not the really posh ones.

There are no sewing patterns as such, but the experienced seamstress can easily transfer the small silhouette patterns to real patterns, or one can search the bibliography in the book for relevant publications.

Epidemics and Diseases of the Middle Ages


Epidemics, plagues, pandemics, none of them are inventions of modern times, but have existed throughout human history. The plague, the Spanish flu and leprosy wiped out entire sections of the population and changed the course and development of history. The corona pandemic shows us that, despite different hygiene

Guided Tour: Herbs and Grains


Insights into cultivation and use with Barbara Suchanek-Voget Herbs have been used by humans in a variety of ways for thousands of years. Whether as food, medicine, material or mystical-religious use. But their presence tells us much more. They provide information about the condition of the soil, its use or climatic conditions.