Late Middle Ages

Art Week


The Middle Ages are often portrayed as dark and gloomy, but if you look at medieval art, you will experience a multitude of colors, shapes and patterns that stand in stark contrast to modern prejudice. The Middle Ages were full of color and the arts flourished. Strong colors and even

Evaluation of Mail Horse-Armour

David Jones 1 ✉,
Emma Herbert-Davies 2
Publication Date
This study was undertaken to gain an understanding of the effectiveness of mail armour in protecting horses against arrow shot, and to assess the circumstances in which such armour might play a useful role. Since the protection given by mail is largely dependent on the thickness of the underlying padding, a preliminary step was to estimate the maximum thickness of padding that could be worn by the horse...

Clothing in the Middle Ages


The Middle Ages are not the same as the Middle Ages. You can see this particularly clearly in the clothing. Today we want to introduce you to the various fashions of the early Middle Ages with tunics, calf wraps and temple rings, in the High Middle Ages with givers, leg warmers and surcots, or in the late Middle Ages with pourpoints and straps.