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Book Review: Flinthandwerk by Wulf Hein and Marquardt Lund

Philipp Schraut 1
Publication Date
The book “Flinthandwerk” is a co-production of two known German experts in experimental archaeology. Both authors have been studying prehistoric techniques for years; Lund has spent his whole lifetime practicing flint-knapping skills during his free time, whilst Hein is the founder of a company that specializes in the reproduction of Stone Age artifacts for museums...




  • Italy

The Paleofestival held annually from 2005 onwards at La Spezia (Italy) is a very popular event involving combining experimental prehistoric archaeology. Museums, parks and archaeological archeotecnicians, Italians and foreigners could meet and promote their activities to an audience largely composed of children and people interested. The museum of the Castle of St.

EXAR Tagung experimentelle Archäologie in Europa

Organised by


  • Germany

The 2023 meeting of the European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment e.V., EXAR, will take place at the Archaeological Open Air Laboratory Lauresham in Lorsch (Germany) from October 5th – 8th 2023. For this conference we will ask for presentations later in summer 2023.

Time Travel Heuneburg



  • Germany

Whitsun 2018 will be exciting at the Heuneburg! Living history actors depicting prehistory, Iron Age, Roman times, the Middle Ages and modern times populate the Celtic town. How was an armament set up? How were weapons forged? What did a soldier of the First World War carry in his pack? All these questions will be answered!

Conference Review: the EAA 2017 in Maastricht (NL)

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) is an important venue for the presentation of any type of archaeology in Europe. This year, the conference was attended by about 1,800 archaeologists including about ten EXARC members. EXARC was involved in organising two sessions...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2016

Milica Tapavički-Ilić 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***The periodical "Experimentelle Archäologie" is issued by Gunter Schöbel and the "Europäische Vereinigung zur Förderung der experimentellen Archäologie", together with Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen from Germany. Issue no. 15 includes 223 pages of text, with numerous colour photographs...

Twenty Years with Flint. The Society for Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology – Where are We Now?

Grzegorz Osipowicz 1 ✉,
Justyna Kuriga 1
Publication Date
The Society of Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology (SEPA, is an organisation affiliated with the Nicolaus Copernicus University’s Institute of Archaeology since 1998. The first academic supervisor of SEPA was Jolanta Małecka-Kukawka, now led by Grzegorz Osipowicz...

Conference Review: This Time for Africa: African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE) 2018

Silje Evjenth Bentsen 1
Publication Date


Toronto, 2012: There is a session on experimental archaeology at the Society for Africanist Archaeologists’ biannual conference. While waiting to upload our presentations to the conference laptop, my colleague and I pass the time chatting. “I am sure we could fill a whole conference on experimental archaeology in Africa,” my colleague says. I nod, say that someone will probably initiate such a conference soon and turn to tell the student volunteer where to find my presentation on the USB stick.