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EAA Session: What we are learning from experimental archaeology?



  • Spain

What we are learning from experimental archaeology?

Session #199 at the European Association of Archaeologists’ (EAA) meeting,
Saturday 8 September, 14:00h – 18:00h, room UB407

Experimental archaeology is the process of forming and testing hypotheses by replicating an action, leading to statements on the construction, use or discard of an archaeological object or feature. A hands-on immersive comparison with the past is created. But archaeology is more than a simple answer to “who were the people who lived here in the past”.

This session discusses the way experimental archaeology taught us ways we can learn insights from the archaeological past relevant for the present, in German: Gegenwartsrelevanz. Can we make concrete as tough as the Romans did? Austrian contractors for example are looking with interest into archaeological experiments. Were Bronze Age houses with insulated double walls “smarter” then current sustainable building techniques? Are Stone Age ways of food preservation the new hit because these are healthier than what we find in the supermarket?

We look for case studies as well as a thorough discussion about the use of experimental archaeology beyond the simple reinvention of techniques. 

Session outline

14:00 Introduction: What we are learning From Experimental Archaeology?
Paardekooper, Roeland (EXARC)
14:15 Mud Brick Building in Ancient Egypt - An Experimental Approach
Debowska-Ludwin, Joanna - Rosinska-Balik, Karolina (Jagiellonian University in Krakow)
14:30 What Goes Around Comes Around: Lessons from Excavating and Rebuilding a Reconstructed Iron Age Roundhouse at Castell Henllys, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Mytum, Harold (University of Liverpool)
14:45 Growing the Past: Prehistoric Food Production as a Model for Resilience in a Changing Climate
Mueller, Natalie (Cornell University) - Patton, Paul (Ohio University)
15:00 An Experimental Project to Reproduce Iron Age Iberian Kilns
Jornet, Rafael (University of Barcelona; Mon Iber Rocs SL) - Morer de Llorens, Jordi (Mon Iber Rocs SL) - Gil Limon, Borja - Cardona Colell, Ramon (Centre d‘Estudis Lacetans)
15:15 Experimental Knapping Simulations and the Creation of New (Old) Behavioural Data
Stade, Cory (University of Southampton)
15:30 Experience In Reconstruction and Using of Sintashta Culture Arrowheads
Semyan, Ivan (South Ural State University; Archaeos - experimental archaeology center)
15:45 Discussion Slot
16:30 Red Alert? The Colors of Heat-Affected Quartzite
Bentsen, Silje (University of the Witwatersrand)
16:45 What Have we Learnt After 27 Years of Experimental Archaeology at L’Esquerda?
Ollich, Imma - Pratdesaba-Sala, Albert (Universitat de Barcelona; Museu Arqueologic de l’Esquerda) - Rocafiguera, Montserrat (Museu Arqueologic de l’Esquerda) - Serrat, David (Universitat de Barcelona) - Ocana, Maria (Museu Arqueologic de l’Esquerda) - Amblas, Oriol (Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic; Museu Arqueologic de l’Esquerda) - Pujol-Camps, Angels (Museu Arqueologic de l’Esquerda) - Cubero, Carme (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Museu Arqueologic de l’Esquerda)
17:00 Experimental Archaeology and Experimentation as a Learning Tool of the Iberian Period: the Iberian Citadel of Calafell
Gomez Gutierrez, Manel (Organisme Autonom Municipal Fundacio Castell de Calafell) – Pou Valles, Josep (Ajuntament de Calafell)
17:15 Experimental Archeology and Academic Training at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Palomo, Antoni (Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Barcelona) - Diez-Canseco, Celia - Fernandez-Nunez, Sofia (Departamento de Prehistoria, UAB) - Gascon, Mireia (CIPAG) - Girones, Ivan (GRAMPO, Departamento de Prehistoria, UAB) - Gonzales, Alex (Departamento de Prehistoria, UAB) - Mangas, Alberto (Laboratori d’Arqueologia Quantitativa, Departamento de Prehistoria, UAB) - Monforte-Barberan, Andreu (GRAMPO, Departamento de Prehistoria, UAB) - Ripoll, Joaquim (Laboratori d’Arqueozoologia, UAB) - Eguiluz, Marina (ASOME, Departamento de Prehistoria, UAB)
  Discussion Slot
17:30 Poster: Fire Conditions in a Chalcolithic Burnt House of Majdanetske (Tripolje Culture, Ukraine) Based on Analyses of Archaeological and Experimentally-Produced Daub 
Dal Corso, Marta (Inst. of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology - Kiel University; CRC 1266 Scales of Transformation - Kiel University) - Dreibrodt, Stefan (CRC 1266 Scales of Transformation - Kiel University; Inst. of Ecosystem Research - Kiel University) - Bodden, Pia - Martini, Sarah (Inst. of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology - Kiel University) - Hofmann, Robert (Inst. of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology - Kiel University; CRC 1266 Scales of Transformation - Kiel University)