
Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum - Nemzeti Régészeti Intézet (HU)

Member of EXARC

The Hungarian National Museum was founded in 1802 and is the national museum for the history, art and archaeology of Hungary. It’s collections, exhibitions and affiliates present an overall view of the archaeology and history of the country.

Until 2022 archaeological research, excavation work and presentation were assigned to two separate units within the National Museum. One of these was the Department of Archaeology, which conducts excavations and research of outstanding national significance (like for eg. Vértesszőlős, Kölked-Feketekapu, Heténypuszta, Zalavár, Doboz, Feldebrő, Gyula Castle, etc.). In addition to their research, the members of the department take part in university teaching and in the organisation of scientific life.

The Long June Weekend at Biskupin


During this time, an interesting offer of shows awaits you. You will get to know people's lives from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. You will also see folk craftsmen. The Archaeological Reserve is a vast area that allows you to spend time in charming corners of reconstructed settlements, surrounded by nature, in the immediate vicinity of a lake and a rich tree stand.

40,000 BC: Mammoth Hunters, Celts and Co.


Over two days, you can experience the everyday life of our ancestors from the Paleolithic to the early Middle Ages in the archaeological open-air area: authentic camp life, exciting exhibition fights, demonstrations of historical crafts, hands-on stations, music and much more create a unique spectacle.

The Use of Plant Fibres in Prehistory and Protohistory

Organised by
Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya

Our knowledge of the use of plant fibres to make different kinds of utensils, such as baskets and cordage, in
prehistory and protohistory is uneven, conditioned greatly by the conservation of those types of materials. In the
Iberian Peninsula, which can be described as dry Europe, the preservation of this kind of archaeological evidence

Communicating the Past - IMTAL Europe Conference

Organised by
IMTAL Europe

#Compast will bring together people who want to share and extend their knowledge of how live interpretation and museum theatre are used to interpret the past in museums and at heritage sites. The Conference is organised by IMTAL Europe and the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences/Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture.

Pushing the Boundaries - A day in Honour of John Coles

Organised by
The Prehistoric Society
United Kingdom

New approaches in (studying) the prehistoric past

This event will be a one-off in celebration of the achievements and legacy of one of Britain’s most influential archaeologists, Professor John Coles, who was sadly lost to us in 2020. It will be organised around four themes that were dear to his heart: Heritage Management, Wetland Archaeology, Experimental Archaeology and Rock Art.