Iron Age

Bread and Fire: Family Afternoon


Bread has been one of the most important foods in Machland since ancient times. Reason enough to take a look at how bread was baked in the past in our “Bread Baking” workshop during the Family Afternoon.

Another main focus on this day is fire. Here fire is made with flint, like thousands of years ago. A fiery affair not to be missed.

Celtic Yule at The Crannog Centre

United Kingdom

Come for a magical Yule experience at our Yule weekends in December.

Come let the dark winter nights be lit up and join in on our Celtic toast, boast and oath.

We will have special Yuletide tours of the museum and hands-on activities outside, as well as special crafters and musicians to fill the site with life!

Prehistoric Week

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the prehistoric weeks you see how things were thousands of years ago! In the Mesolithic, the stories of the hunters and gatherers are told. At the first farmers you can twine a bracelet. The inhabitants of the Funnel Beaker farm make nettle tea that you can taste. In the Bronze Age there are demonstrations and it is shown which specific materials are used on the land.