Rock Art and Experimentation Seminar
Rock art and experimentation seminar
Rock art and experimentation seminar
#exact dates TBC
Topic: Engagement in Environment and Local Community
The Time Travel Method in Education, Tourism and Local Development
Flint cutting, cooking, ceramic, metal and wood crafts, development of weaving...
The program of prehistoric festivals is part of a process of archaeological experimentation and allows you to glimpse the daily life of prehistoric men.
Content of the Course:
An Easter Monday will be spent, as usual, in the open air. At Livelet you will find a magnificent lawn by the lake for your picnic and many activities dedicated to the family. On reservation it is also possible to use one of our barbecues.&nbs
Health and beauty are inextricably linked. People have known that as long as they exist. During this weekend, Museum Park Archeon will show how people, from prehistoric times to the 21st century, deal with the care and well-being of their bodies.
In the last few years, ICOM and its members have reflected upon the following difficult issues. In 2017 the subject for the international museum day was Contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums, and this year it is going to be Museums for equality: Diversity and Inclusion.
Course objective: With the resources from the people of the past a dish from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age is cooked and tasted.
Course objective: Each participant goes home with a rawhide bag.
Course content: scraping the skin when wet, shaping a container, cutting rawhide strings, attaching a handle, drying the container.
Stichting Erfgoedpark Batavialand
att. EXARC
Postbus 119
8200 AC Lelystad
the Netherlands
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