Conference Review: EAC13, Torun, Poland, May 2023
Conference Review: Living History and Experimental Archaeology, Ukraine, March 2023
A Hall fit for a King; a Meeting fit for All
Conference Review: Europeana “Making Digital Culture Count” 2022
Conference Review: EXARC at the European Archaeology Days Forum in Paris 2023
Conference Review: The 6th CONEXP held between October 25-28 2022 at Pézenas (FR)
Conference Review: Innovation begins within. Resilient museums in times of disruption, NEMO 2022
Conference Review: The ICOM Museum Convention in Prague, August 2022
Conference Review: The Historical Metallurgy Society’s Second Accidental and Experimental Conference, June 2022
The Second Accidental and Experimental Conference was held on 10-12 June 2022 after multiple delays due to the pandemic. This year it was held at the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranbourne, East Dorset, England. The event was organised by Vanessa Castagnino on behalf of the Historical Metallurgy Society (