
Research, Experimentation and Outreach in the Early Neolithic Site of La Draga (Banyoles-Spain)

Antoni Palomo 1 ✉,
Raquel Piqué 2,
Xavier Terradas 3,
Joan Anton Barceló 2,
Juan Antonio Rodríguez 3,
Montserrat Buch 4,
Jürgen Junkmanns 5,
Miriam de Diego 2,
Oriol López 2
Publication Date
The exceptional preservation of organic material in the early Neolithic site of La Draga (Banyoles, north-east Iberian Peninsula) has allowed lines of research that had rarely been undertaken in the region. The research project carried out at the site of La Draga involves experimental archaeology as a...


The art of making or shaping something from wood, carpentry.
Definition source: Chambers 21st Century Dictionary

Parco Archeologico e Museo all’Aperto della Terramara di Montale (IT)

Member of EXARC

The terramara of Montale, near Modena in Northern Italy, is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications.
Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of two houses furnished with replicas of the original finds dating back 3500 years.

The terramara of Montale is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications. Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of...

The Scientific Basis for the Reconstruction of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Houses

Peter J. Reynolds 1
Publication Date

In 1966 just outside the boundary of a hill fort known as Kemerton Camp on top of Bredon Hill (Hencken 1939) in Worcestershire a small roundhouse was reconstructed, based upon the excavations carried out at Glastonbury Lake Village some fifty years before (Reynolds 1967a, Bullied and Grey 1911). A group of students under the guidance of Mr. Philip Barker of Birmingham University, carrying out a routine site visit, were deeply impressed to come across the three dimensional reality of something which had been previously discussed in vacuo.